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Q: Why do some prefer liturgical worship?
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What is no liturgical worship?

.Catholic AnswerThe word liturgical means of or related to public worship. So "no liturgical worship" is called an oxymoron.

What Christian denominations are non liturgical?

Strictly speaking, any organized common prayer or order of worship is liturgical, or at least has a liturgical element, so the only completely non-liturgical denomination would probably be the Society of Friends (Quakers). Even their waiting for the Holy SPirit to move someone to speak, however, has been called the "Liturgy of Silence". More generally, "non-liturgical" is used by some congregations or denominations, usually evangelical or Pentecostal, who prefer non-scripted or improvisational worship.

What is non-liturgical?

Non-liturgical means not related to public worship.

Is Methodist worship liturgical?

Yes, and no. Alot are however some have taken a more modern direction with no following the ligurgical calender and moving away from a liturgical service.

What is lurtergical and non-lurtergical?

Liturgical refers to rituals and practices within religious worship, such as Mass in the Catholic Church. Non-liturgical worship involves spontaneous or less structured forms of religious expression, like some Protestant services.

What is liturgical worship?

A form or formulary according to which public religious worship, especially Christian worship, is conducted.

What is liturging?

Liturgical is a word that means of or relating to public worship.

What I said the meaning of liturgical?

Pertaining to, of or the nature of, a liturgy; of or pertaining to public prayer and worship.

Do swedes worship at home or at a church or temple?

Where you worship depends on your religion, not your nationality. Most Christians (in Sweden and worldwide) worship in churches, however some prefer to worship at home. Most Jews (in Sweden and worldwide) worship in a synogogue or temple.

Liturgical dance worship or praise dance is allowed in other religions is it allowed in the seventh day adventist worship service?


What is Synagogue?

A community house of worship that serves as a place not only for liturgical services but also for assembly and study.

What is the difference between liturgical theology and theology of liturgy?

liturgy is the customary public worship done by a specific religious group while para liturgy is a gathering of the faithful.