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Pig hearts are not used routinely for human heart transplants - xenotransplantation just does not work for long term use. People just seem to assume that animal to human transplantation is far more common than in reality - it is incredibly rare. Very occasionally it may be used to bridge a gap until a suitable human organ becomes available, but it is not a long term solution. Animal organs do not maintain function in a human body.

Please see related link for more info.

Porcine and bovine heart valves can be used for heart valve replacement operations in humans, but this is very different to having an organ donated from an animal.

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Q: Why do some people think that we shouldn't use pig's hearts for human heart transplants?
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What is the main cause of heart transplants in the United States?

The main cause of heart transplants is people needing a new heart.

How many people need heart transplants each year?

2,192 heart transplants were done in 2006

How has the development of artificial hearts affected doctors?

The development of the artificial heart has allowed the success rate of heart transplants go up.

Can people transfer their hearts to other people?

Currently, it is not possible for people to transfer their hearts to other individuals. Heart transplants are performed using donor hearts from individuals who have a compatible blood type and tissue match with the recipient. The process involves surgical removal of the recipient's damaged heart and replacing it with a healthy donor heart.

Can you do heart transplants?

Yes, heart transplants are commonly performed.

What problems has heart transplants caused?

High blood pressure and some panic problems. You could die of problems after heart transplants.

Why do artificial hearts longer than heart transplants?

Because the valves are mechanical, it's not the same as a regular human heart. The regular human heart doesn't last as long as the mechanical heart because the real heart has a shorter lifespan. Eventually the heart gives out, but when it is a mechanical heart, it lasts longer than an real heart. I believe that is the reason why.......

Why are artificial hearts needed?

To give people with a faulty heart at least 10 more years added to their life :)Artificial Hearts are needed for people who hae heart problems such as a heart that is to big in size, a heart with a hole in it, and other things such as a heart that can not pump enough blood.

Why people were agaianst heart transplants in the 1960s?

because they were well tight about religion and saw it as taking god job init

Do you agree with the statement that they replace the human heart?

Yes, heart transplants are a common operation.

When was Heart of Hearts created?

Heart of Hearts was created in 1975-07.

What are the three first organ transplants?

Heart, liver and kidney