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The laws of kashrut are laid out in considerable detail in the Torah. That fact in itself is
enough to make kashrut important to those Jews who consider the Torah to be important.

But we have the capacity for reason and wisdom and critical thinking, and Judaism doesn't
demand blind obedience without any thought. If a Jew cares to think about kashrut in order
to understand it, then by all means he is encouraged to think about it, and to study what the
great thinkers have thought about it through Jewish history.

I won't attempt to outline or summarize the subject here, but I'll just give you a couple of
simple, transparent ideas on the topic:

1). Somewhere along the line, it must occur to the modern, educated, intelligent, thinking
person that maybe, just maybe, the substances that he routinely puts into his body on a
frequent and regular basis, several times daily for several decades, could have some influence
not only on the physical development of his body, but also on his character, personality,
attitude, outlook, and the type of person he becomes. Just maybe.

2). Where the Torah introduces the discussion of kashrut, it says something to the effect
that we are to do this in order to "be holy". I don't know what that means, and I submit
that there are very few people who do. But it sounds as if it may be kind of important, so
maybe while we're figuring it out, it might be wise to be aware of kashrut anyway, just so
we don't spoil something beyond repair before we've figured out what it means to "be holy".
After all, when we know what it means, we may decide that we want it ! So it might be shrewd
to keep our options open.

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8y ago
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Denise Sesson

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1y ago
To be "holy" is to be "set aside" to be separated from the worldly activities and culture of others opposed to and adversarial to GOD, the Creator.
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13y ago

Generally speaking only Orthodox Jewish people live Kosher - they do it by choice because of the laws laid down in the Torah. There is also Conservative Judaism, some of whos members follow Kosher, some of whom don't, and and "Moderate" or "Reform" Judaism, most if not all of whom do not follow Kosher.

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7y ago
Every religion has its non-observant members.
1) Non-observant Jews may be under peer influence.
2) Convenience; desires. No one wants "bothersome" rules.
3a) Lack of proper information. People have inaccurate notions about their religion.
3b) Lack of Jewish education.
4) Unfortunate experiences. Someone who had a harsh religious upbringing or parent, may retain an unhappy feeling towards Judaism.
5) Many think that science, and specifically Evolution, have proved that there is no need for religion.
6) Intellectual laziness. Many people have simply never delved into the subject.
7) Stereotyping. People call us "religious nuts," etc.
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9y ago

Every religion has its non-observant members. 1) Non-observant Jews may be under peer influence. In high school, for example, the one student in a class who brought a kosher lunch may be subject to ridicule. This may have led him/her to become slack.

2) Convenience; desires. No one wants "bothersome" rules, or limitations to their personal pleasure. We see how lack of self-discipline has led Western society to epidemic obesity, drunkenness, divorce rates, etc.

3a) Lack of proper information. People have inaccurate notions about their religion. They've picked up tidbits, jokes, and "sound-bites," and on such solid authority they dismiss the entire topic.

3b) Lack of Jewish education.

4) Unfortunate experiences. Someone who had a harsh religious upbringing or parent, may retain an unhappy feeling towards Judaism.

5) Many think that science, and specifically Evolution, have proved that there is no need for religion.

6) Intellectual laziness. Many people have simply never delved into the subject, to see if the truth and/or value of the Torah can be convincingly demonstrated.

7) Stereotyping. People call us "religious nuts," etc.; so the average layperson may get a negative feeling toward their tradition.

See also: How do you keep kosher?

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8y ago

Because the laws of Kashrut stem from the Torah and the commentaries of our greatest sages.

More information:

In order to be kosher, food has to be prepared according to the kosher-laws (see Deuteronomy ch.14). These are explained in detail in the Talmud-volume of Chullin.
* Meat must be from those land animals which have split hooves and chew their cud (such as beef, venison and mutton).
* Fish have to have scales and fins. Shellfish are not kosher.
* Birds cannot be among those listed as forbidden in the Torah (Deuteronomy ch.14) and cannot be hunters/scavengers. In actual practice, today we eat only those species concerning which we have a tradition that they're permitted, such as domestic chicken, geese, pigeons and turkey.

* Animals must be slaughtered in the manner specified by Jewish law and must be free of all disease. In actual practice, those who keep kosher purchase meat which is certified as having been prepared in the kosher manner.
* As much blood as possible must be removed from meat before cooking, since consumption of blood is forbidden (Leviticus ch.17). This is done at home or by the kosher butcher, through salting, soaking and rinsing.

* Dairy and meat cannot be combined in the same meal and there's a waiting period between eating one and then the other. After dairy: 1/2 hour. After meat: 6 hours for most Jewish communities.

* Fruits and vegetables should be checked to be sure they're free of bugs. Some Jews avoid cauliflower, asparagus, and the like, because of the difficulty in checking them.

Additionally, food must be prepared and handled following kashrut-laws and with kosher ingredients only. Processed foods should be labeled as having had kosher supervision during their processing. Any food that does not meet these requirements cannot be eaten by those who are religiously observant Jews.

See also:

Could you give me a list of kosher and non-kosher types of fish?

Why do some Jews not keep kosher?

The use of rennet

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9y ago

It should first be made clear that this only occurs among Liberal Jews. There are no Orthodox Jews who ignore kashrut laws.

Among Liberal Jews there are several reasons, all of which are non-traditional:

  1. It's annoying and prevents freely eating whatever is available.
  2. Treif (non-kosher) foods are tasty and or delicious.
  3. Objections to methods of shechita (Jewish ritual slaughter), seeing it is overly gory or violent.
  4. Desires to freely eat with co-workers and friends without making an issue of having to go to a kosher restaurant every time.
  5. The Laws are outdated and do not belong in this modern era.
  6. Rejection of Jewish Law or Religion in general and kashrut is simply one of many victims.
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9y ago

Every religion has its non-observant members.1) Non-observant Jews may be under peer influence. In high school, for example, the one student in a class who brought a kosher lunch may be subject to ridicule. This may have led him/her to become slack.

2) Convenience; desires. No one wants "bothersome" rules, or limitations to their personal pleasure. We see how lack of self-discipline has led Western society to epidemic obesity, drunkenness, divorce rates, etc.

3a) Lack of proper information. People have inaccurate notions about their religion. They've picked up tidbits, jokes, and "sound-bites," and on such solid authority they dismiss the entire topic.

3b) Lack of Jewish education.

4) Unfortunate experiences. Someone who had a harsh religious upbringing or parent, may retain an unhappy feeling towards Judaism.

5) Many think that science, and specifically Evolution*, have proved that there is no need for religion.

6) Intellectual laziness. Many people have simply never delved into the subject, to see if the truth and/or value of the Torah* can be convincingly demonstrated.

7) Stereotyping. People call us "religious nuts," etc.; so the average layperson may get a negative feeling toward their tradition.

  • *See also the Related Links
Is Evolution real?

More about the Torah

How do you keep kosher?

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12y ago

As commanded by the Torah (Deuteronomy ch.14). See the attached Related Link (click on Keeping Kosher).

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8y ago

The most accurate answer is simply that the basic kosher laws are commandments of the Creator.

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What nationality are kosher?

Kosher is the diet of Jews. Jews keep kosher. If you keep kosher you cannot eat: shellfish, pork, or dairy mixed with meat. The main land of Jews is Israel. So technically, the nationality of kosher is Israel.

Can Jewish people eat snails?

Snails are not kosher, so Jews who follow the rules of kashrut do not eat snails. However, not all Jews keep kosher, so some Jews do eat snails.

How many non Jewish people buy kosher food?

Kosher food is not like a specific food. It is not like Hamburgers or anything. SOme foods are kosher and others aren't. Since most people eat all types of food, you can't really avoid eating kosher food.

How do you use kosher in a sentence?

Orthodox Jews keep a strictly kosher home.

Do Jews eat red meat?

The Torah permits eating (kosher) meat; and on certain (festive) occasions Judaism encourages it. Most Jews eat red meat, though some Jews are vegetarians or have other reasons for not eating red meat. Additionally, for Jews who keep kosher, meat (and fowl) need to be slaughtered and prepared according to kosher specifications.

Can kosher's eat nachos and salsa?

Kosher refers to food that is prepared according to the laws of kashrut. The people who keep kosher are Jews. Kosher is a classification, not a people. That being said, if the nachos and salsa are certified kosher, religious Jews who keep kosher can eat them.

Do Muslims eat kosher gelatin?

When it comes to meats, Kosher is not synonymous with Halal, so no, we cannot eat Kosher Gelatin. Gelatin is considered kosher by many Jews regardless of its source of origin. For Muslims, if gelatin is prepared from swine or cows that are not dhabeeha, it is haraam.

Why don't Jews eat ham?

The Jews that choose to keep Kosher cannot eat bacon because it comes from pork (pig), and that is one dietary restriction of keeping Kosher

What foods need to be kept separate in the religious laws of keeping kosher?

Meat and dairy.See also: more about how Jews keep kosher

What do jews eat and when do they eat it?

Jews eat food -- observant Jews attempt to keep the laws of kashrut by eating kosher food. When? Many Jews eat 3 meals a day with occasional snacks. Some skip breakfast.

Do Jews eat snails?

Jews who eat kosher will not eat snails since snails are not kosher. However, not all Jews eat according to the laws of kashrut, so some Jews do eat snails.

Can Jews eat meat and dairy separatley in a meal?

No, this is not allowed for those who keep kosher.