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Priests wear red vestments when the day being observed calls for them to do so. The celebrations of martyr-saints usually calls for priest to wear of red vestments, the red signifying the blood the martyr was glad to shed for the Lord. The Catholic Church commemorates many martyrs throughout the liturgical year; examples of some martyr saints are Saint Agnes (January 21), Saints Peter and Paul (June 29), Saint Cecilia (Nov. 22). Red would be an option on all these days.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

The Priest wore Cassock and Chasuble for the mass. It symbolize Christ white reflection. Cassock is An ankle-length garment with a close-fitting waist and sleeves, worn by the clergy and others assisting in church services.A Chasuble is a long sleeveless vestment worn over the alb by a priest during services.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Pink (rose) is worn on only two Sundays each year - Gaudate Sunday - the Third Sunday of Advent, and Laetera Sunday, the fourth Sunday in Lent. It is a brief joyful interlude in the season of waiting and anticipation for the birth of Our Savior, or a joyful interlude in the penitential season of Lent. Since the color rose is only used twice each year, most parishes don't even have vestments in that color. The actual robe worn is always white, however, the chasuble and stole may be rose on those two days.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

They don't, their robe is called an alb, and it is always white. However, they do wear violet (violet is the liturgical color, not purple) chasuble and stole during Advent and Lent.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

cause God is fake and jesus isent real and Queen make a rule NO R.E IN SCHOOLS

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Priest were purple vestments to symbolising the sovereignty of Christ.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Catholics refer to the "purple" robes in Advent as violet. The liturgical color of violet is used to express sorrow for sin.

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WHAT Catholic priests wear purple sash?

A Catholic priest who has been designated as a Monsignor wears a purple cincture.

What color does the priest wear in February?

Green if it is in Ordinary time, Purple if it is in Lent.

Do priest vestments have to match altar color?

Often, a banner matching priest vestment color is in front of altar, the color being associated with the church time, like purple as it is in Lent. It does not always match; if priest is doing funeral he will wear white but the altar may still be purple.

Which colour chasuble does the priest wear for Easter Sunday?

Red, green, white/ivory, purple/violet are the common colors, may also have Rose, and which they wear depends on the type of day the church is celebrating.

What color does the priest wear on the first sunday of lent?

The priest wears red vestments on Palm Sunday.

What color will the priest wear after Advent?

.Catholic AnswerThe robe the priest wears all year at Mass is called an alb and is white (the word alb comes from the Latin word for white). During Advent the priest wears a violet chasuble over this.

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Yes Justin Bieber likes to wear purple. Justin likes to wear purple because that's because purple is his favorite color

What can you wear on peace day?

Dress as a hippie or wear purple. Purple is the color for peace.

When is violet or purple worn on a priest?

During Lent and Advent.

What do you wear a purple jacket with?

Purple pants, obviously.

What vestments does a sacristan wear?

Answer A Cathlolic priest who is a monsignor (an honorary title) wears the same vestments as any priest when celebrating the Eucharist. The colour of a monsignorial cassock is different from that of a priest. There are three levels of monsignor: Chapain: Black cassock with purple trim and purple sash. Honorary Prelate: Black cassock with red trim and purple sash. On formal occasions they wear a purple cassock. They do not wear a pectoral cross or a skull cap as do bishops. Apostolic Protonotary: These dress in the same manner as honorary prelates, but have the option of using a purple cape (trimmed in red) on formal occasions.

Can you wear black sportscoat with purple shirt?

Yes, you can wear the black sports coat with the purple shirt.