don't say why say why not!!
They perform Hajj because it is the fifth pillar of Islam. It is obligatory on each Muslim to perform Hajj once in life time.
Hajj can only be performed at Mecca. All the pilgrim have to go to Mecca to perform Hajj.
They go to Mecca and medina.
Fasting during Hajj days is NOT obligatory for pilgrims or non-pilgrims.
It is a religious ritual of the Muslims. While on Hajj, the pilgrims try to please Almighty Allah.
The Muslims go to Makka, Saudi Arabia, to perform pilgrimage - Hajj.
The exact figures are not known. Some of the pilgrims from neighbouring states drive to Makka to perform Hajj. They are not counted as regular pilgrims. However, the number of pilgrims varies from 3 million to 3.5 millions each year.
They go to Mina, Arafat Field and come back to Mina and Mecca. Transport is available.
During the Hajj, pilgrims stone Satan.
Around 3 millions performed Hajj (pilgrimage) in year 2009.
Only Hajis (pilgrims) put on Ihram while performing Umrah or Hajj. After completing Umrah or Hajj, the pilgrims put off Ihram and wear normal routine clothes.
Muslim Hajj is performed only in Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Hajj cannot be performed anywhere else in the world.
The Muslim pilgrims don't have to plant during Hajj.