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The short answer: There is a large amount of evidence pointing to the truth of The Bible.

For instance, there is particularly compelling evidence for the resurrection. Consider just two of many points: # The powerful Jewish leaders at the time of Christ had an obvious and vested interest in proving that the resurrection of Christ was false. If they had found any evidence that He had not been resurrected, they would have made sure it was well publicized and the early Christians would have been completely dispensed with. It seems unlikely that, had there been any evidence against the resurrection, they would not have been able to uncover it. Nonetheless, we have no historical record that they ever offered any evidence against the resurrection.

# How many people do you know of who would be willing to die for something they believe in? You can probably think of a few--the strongest believers of any religion often prove faithful to the death. Now, how many people can you think of who would be willing to die for something they knew was false? I'd be surprised if you can think of any. If anyone knew whether or not Jesus was truly raised from the dead, it would be those who supposedly faked it, His twelve apostles. All twelve were tortured for their beliefs; eleven were murdered. Yet not one of them recanted. How likely does that seem?

For detailed discussions of this topic, read Josh McDowell's brief book More Than a Carpenter and Lee Strobel's much longer book The Case for Christ. Both of these authors started out determined to prove that the Bible could not possibly be true, and ended up convinced that it could not possibly be false.

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