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Jesus is not god, he is the son of god, if you believe. he is the prophet of the christian faith, if you do not believe he is or was the Prophet of Christianity then you are in fact not a christian.

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Q: Why do people say that Jesus is God and what does it mean?
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If you say I am a Christian what do you mean?

I believe in Jesus and God.

What did Jesus say about the church?

According to Jesus that it says in the scripture,he said it is the people of God that is his body.

If you believe in god but not Jesus does that make you a athious?

No, not nesessarily. I could be wrong but I think some Jewish people believe in God but not Jesus. Athiests say there is no God.

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It is crude; it means Oh My F**king Jesus. Instead of Oh My F**king God. Not many people say it.

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You can say be evangelists and spread the word of Jesus to all people.

Why do they say that Jesus is the son of God when God say he beget nor begotting any children?

God wanted to come down to earth in a human form. That's when he created Jesus Jesus was god but not in god's heavenly form.

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God really didn't give anyone a Christmas gift. Christians started the tradition of celebrating Christmas to recognize God sending Jesus. Christians tend to say God's gift was Jesus.

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Of coarse he liked when you trusted in him.I do not think he liked when you trusted in people though.Okay God Bless You.

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Jesus was asking his disciples who men thought he was. The answers were all great prophets, great men who had done the work of God. The key is that most people thought Jesus was a man, when He was/is so much more - He was/is the Son of God. He was testing his disciples, who passed, for when He asked them who they thought He was, Simon Peter replied, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." (found in Matthew 16:13-17)

How did Jesus get the Holy Spirit?

Jesus said it himself in the Bible that "I and my father are one" so whatever God possess He possess. Jesus was invested by the Holy Spirit by turning His soul in the direction of God. When you consider Jesus, you can say this is God, you can say He is the image of God, you can say the Holy Spirit is reflected in Him, and you can say He is a son of man, the child of Mary and Joseph.

What do people mean when they say that god has died?

I don't know what they mean, but god isn't dead. he can't die.