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so that their sins are forgiven

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Q: Why do people receive reconciliation?
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How old do you have to be to do reconciliation?

you may receive the sacrament of reconciliation at any age as long as your baptised

How do jesuits receive forgiveness?

Jesuits may receive the sacrament of reconciliation from a priest.

What are the 2 settings that you can receive reconciliation in?

In a personal setting, you can receive reconciliation through open communication and understanding with the other person involved. In a religious setting, you can seek reconciliation through confession and penance with a religious leader or through spiritual practices.

Why cant people with mortal sin receive communion?

Mortal sin separates us from god and his people. It must be confessed in the sacrament of reconciliation before a person receives holy communion.

When you are in church look for theplace where you go to receive the sacrament of reconciliation?

The room is called the Confessional.

What is the sacrament called that celebrates Gods love and healing?

It is called reconciliation. You receive this sacrament when you go to Confession at Church.

What is a reconcilliation service?

In Catholicism, a reconciliation service is a service in which you pray, perform an examination of conscience to call to mind your sins, confess your sins to a priest to receive absolution, and then do a penance for your sins.

How can you take part in reconciliation?

You celebrate reconciliation to ask forgiveness from God for your sins..Catholic AnswerYou celebrate reconciliation because this is one of the sacraments that God has ordained in order for you to receive His grace. If you have any sin on your soul, you can not worthily celebrate any of the other sacraments (save baptism) without prior sacramental absolution in reconciliation. This is the normal way that God has established in order to forgive your sins. Although God is all powerful and perfectly capable to forgiving sins outside of the confessional, we should never "tempt" God. This is the normal way in which He has established for us to receive forgiveness and we must abide with His Decision.

Who receives the sacrament of reconciliation?

Any baptized Catholic who has reached the age of wisdom, about 7 years of age, may receive the sacrament.

What are ways to receive forgiveness for sin other than the sacrament of reconciliation?

The only way to receive forgiveness of sin it to confess it to God and to repent from it. Read psalm 51 in the King James Version.

Who can receive reconciliation?

Anyone who has complete sorrow for their sins and expresses this sorrow in the sacrament of confession..Catholic AnswerAny Catholic over the age of discretion (7 years of age) should be receiving the Sacrament of reconciliation regularly.

Who created a reconstruction plan calling for reconciliation?

wat is the answer people dang