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People question God for a number of reasons, but the main reason is when they are in pain over the loss of a loved one, or when some other form of tragedy strikes. Pain, loss, problems and stress sometimes cause people to wonder why a loving God would allow such things to happen. And they also get angry at God when bad things happen, which I feel God understands, even though the anger is misguided.

But it has also been during times like this that people have reached out and turned to God for comfort, strength and guidance. God does not "allow" such things to happen; he gave man free will, and free choice over their actions.


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That's one thing but I don't think hes explaining it perfectly either. People in time of utter sadness whether it be the death of a loved one or a terrible spot they're in, they wonder, how a god who is intervening, sit there and watch while they're in such misery, so they do one of 3 things, either question god and stop believing in him (They don't do it just because they're mad at him, they truly stop believing because they feel a god couldn't let it happen.), or they become a misotheist while being a Christian which is one who hates god or gods, or they stay Christians and live on just coping.

Now, that's not the only reason. I remember sitting in church thinking, at the beginning of time, god was there. But things that exist have to come into existence. Everything but god were created by god but god was always there. That makes zero sense. Before he comes into existence he has no power, how can he come into existence if he has no power? Things that don't exist cant effect existence because..they don't existence. So he could not have come into existence and no creator of a creator could come into existence.

Lots of people try to come up with excuses like shut up kid, or weird theories with time bending etc.

After going to Atheism because I felt the god theory can't be true, I came to think about The Bible. A lot of it contains beliefs held by people at that time, if god knows all why would he lie and feed them that to put into the bible? One of those beliefs were that the sky was an ocean, the world is flat and has corners, wizards and witches should be killed, and homosexuality is immoral. Oceans in the sky defy gravity and we would have no water. World is spherical and flat at the equator. We have satellite and sonar to prove this. Magic is nonexistent and homosexuality is in nature. Animals have been gay. And its a physical attraction they have, its not something they chose, so to say it happens in nature. Undeserving of slander since they were just born that way. That's like putting everyone with blond hair in camps to work. Its not like they chose their hair color. I just felt the holes in the bible don't make sense and don't work with the beliefs of today, rather the time when it was written.

Also, the theory of evolution has been proven. Evolution doesnt claim to be the opposite of god, it has nothing to do with the creation of the universe. It just says things change over time via changing genes and specific genes being carried on more than others until the point of the other gene being non existent whether via natural selection. Its nothing to fight, its a fact. Its been proven in many ways, but evolution does poke big holes in the bible. Specifically creationism. Which is a big thing in the bible. Just wanted to clear some things up at the start.

Anyways, that's why 'I' became an atheist (Which just means I have no belief in god.). But there are many reasons why people question god. Some people get further than questioning and to non-believing. Some become agnostics which means they feel there is no proof that god exists while there is none to prove there is no god.

Google around, you'll find some nice arguments for and against god on forums between atheists and theists debating.

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Because human beings are the only rational beings gifted with the power of reasoning and moral consciousness. The wise ones naturally contemplate on their existence, who caused and facilitated their existence on Earth. whether they had any roles on their existence or is it blind forces that brought an orderly universe into existence components of which perfectly complement each other enabling our life possible on the tiny planet Earth, or is it someone who is all powerful and intelligent who created them and everything around them with a purpose, taking care of their sustence etc.

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because questions bring answers and answers bring knowledge and advancement. without question we would all still be living in caves

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