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Q: Why do people practice their faith in their community?
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No, Mosques are for the people practice the faith muslims and temple are for the people who practice the faith of judisam

What is the meaning of faith community?

The meaning of a faith community is a group of people that gather that share the same faith or religious ideas. A faith community usually has specific leaders that run the group.

Why do people practice their beliefs?

People practice their beliefs because they have faith in their God. They want to show their loyalty to their God and that is why people practice their beliefs.

What does it mean to belong to a community?

To be in a community with people that share your faith, and belong to the same Church as you. In a sense it could be like a family, a family that is one in faith and love.

Why do people still practice Islam?

Muslims still practice Islam because they have strong faith in their religion.

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Who were the first people to practice Catholic faith?

.Catholic AnswerThe disciples were the first to practice the Catholic faith, the apostles were the first Bishops, with St. Peter as the first Pope.

What does it mean to belong to a parish community?

To be in a community with people that share your faith, and belong to the same Church as you. In a sense it could be like a family, a family that is one in faith and love.

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Where do the jews s live?

Everywhere, Judaism a faith people from all over practice.

What do we call letters written by the early church to encourage people to practice their faith?

An epistle.

How do Jewish people practice their faith today?

By learning the Torah and observing its mitzvoth (commands).