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Because the statement is utterly wrong and that is why people disagree with it!

Most of the truly great scientists throughout history believed in God and most still do. Isaac newton, Galileo, Kepler, Faraday, and many others were all Christians. Even Einstein and Darwin, though professing agnosticism at some stages of their lives, died as believers in God.

The simple fact is that when studied sensibly and thoroughly, the concept of God is not inly seen as logical and sensible, but it is also considered by many scientists as the only real explanation - full explanation - of how things came to be. The Anthropic Principle, for example, sets out scientifically the infinitessimally small chance that life should exist, and yet it does not just exist but thrives. This principle, by examining the very basic building blocks of the universe, and the most fundamental of physical constants, points to design rather than chance in the universe.

Of course, there are sime scientists, notably Richard Dawkins, who speaks out against the belief in God. Yet to those who show equal intelligence as he does, his arguments are flawed and easily countered. He is himself a man of great 'faith' making sweeping statements about his ideas of God that are themselves incorrect and show little real understanding, and yet he still believs them despite there being less evidence for his bigotries than for the existence of a Creator. And let's not forget that Dawkins is merely an evolutionary biologist and has not the grounding nor expertise in the most fundamental of sciences - that of the physics of the universe dealing with the basic building blocks of creation - and therefore any comment he makes should be taken with a very large health warning.

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