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We celebrate His birth because it was Him entering into the world. By the way, He was only dead for three days...Then He rose again and that is why we celebrate Easter. I know the dates are far apart, but that is just how they came about. We also celebrate His birth because not only His entrance, but then He would be here to die for our sins...Hope i helped...:D

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13y ago

The Catholic church began celebration on December 25th to compete with the Pagan winter solstice festival. It was easier that way to convert pagans by attempting to convince them that what they were practising was really Catholicism all along, they just got a few things wrong according to the Catholic church.

The historical Jesus' birthday is entirely unknown, though there is some evidence to suggest his birthday was sometime around March on our modern calendar.

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12y ago

Because we are CHristians and that is why it is Christmas

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Q: Why do people celebrate Jesus' birth when He was once considered to be dead?
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