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Only Christians read the New Testament because it follows Jesus, who is only the messiah in Christian mythology.

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Q: Why do only Christians read the New Testament?
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Is Jesus in the New Testament or Old Testament?

Jesus is only foun in the new testament :) Read a bible!

Do Christians use the New Testament?

Yes Christians use the New Testament a great deal.

How many books in New Testaments that the Jews read?

The Jews do not read the new testament they read the old testament only, as theydo not consider Jesus as the Messiah.

Do christians follow the Old Testament or the New Testament?

Mainly christians use both the books , but mainly the new testament as it has more on Jesus.

What are the five main divisions of the Hebrew New Testament?

There is no such thing as a Hebrew New Testament, unless you are talking about the Christian New Testament translated into Hebrew for Israeli Christians to read. If that's the case, it is no different than any other language version of the New Testament.

Do Christians believe in the New Testament?

The New Testament was written for believers in Jesus Christ as Lord and Master (Christians). We believe it as pure truth.

What religion would read the New Testament?

The new Testament is read by the christian believers.

What is sacred text Christians follow?

The Bible, comprising the Old Testament and the New Testament

What is the name for the new information that Christians added to the old testament?

The "New" Testament - the story the life of Christ and the Teachings of Christ.

Do only Christians believe in the Old Testament of the Bible?

The old testament to the Jewish people is called the Torah , the New Testament is the one that Christians believe in. To extend what Thomas is saying, Christians believe and study the Old Testament as it has history which ties it to their "New Testament", and also because they believe prophesies of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, and others that forordained the arrival of Jesus of Nazareth as their Messiah. Ran Robertson

Where in the New Testament is it written that Christians are obligated to tithe?

There is no verse in the New Testament that states that Christians must tithe. The concept of giving 10% of your income to the Lord is from the Old Testament. The New Testament does say however, that Christians should set aside a portion of their funds for the church. This can be found in 1 Corinthians 16:1-2. Under Related Links there is an article about Christian tithing.

Who respect the Old Testament as true word of God?

Many Jews and Christians believe the Old Testament is the true word of God, although in many cases Jews and Christians read quite different meanings into the same text. Burton L. Mack (Who Wrote the New Testament) says that the early Christians sought to redefine the Jewish scriptures and argue for reading them as allegories of the New Testament and a prefigurement of Jesus, instead of belonging to the stories of Israel. The Old Testament is interpreted in different ways by Jews and Christians, and sometimes even by members of different denominations, yet it is still respected as the true word of God.