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Fair trade fits in with Christianity because it ties in very closely to one of both the ten commandments and one of Jesus' most common messages: to love thy neighbor.

Fair trade, unlike other forms, ensures that the people making the product are not taken advantage of. Not only do they receive a wage that will help sustain them and their family, to keep them out of poverty, but the people who are selling the fair trade goods (the stores, etc.) create long term partnerships with the community who is making the goods, it is not a temporary work situation. These partnerships allow the sellers to build even more of a bond with the community, which assists them in other ways. For example, if there was a crisis (such as a tsunami) where the product is made, and they are not able to make their product for a certain amount of time, they will not be abandoned by their sellers, but rather, assisted, so that they can continue to work and begin their life again as soon as possible.

In general, Jesus asked us to be aware of all the people, to love everybody, and fair trade is a way that can help connect us to our brothers and sisters who live a more disadvantaged life, and help them, the way Christianity requires us to.

(My church sells Beneficio Coffee as a fundraiser, check them out!

Fair trade fits in with Christianity because it ties in very closely to one of both the ten commandments and one of Jesus' most common messages: to love thy neighbor.

Fair trade, unlike other forms, ensures that the people making the product are not taken advantage of. Not only do they receive a wage that will help sustain them and their family, to keep them out of poverty, but the people who are selling the fair trade goods (the stores, etc.) create long term partnerships with the community who is making the goods, it is not a temporary work situation. These partnerships allow the sellers to build even more of a bond with the community, which assists them in other ways. For example, if there was a crisis (such as a tsunami) where the product is made, and they are not able to make their product for a certain amount of time, they will not be abandoned by their sellers, but rather, assisted, so that they can continue to work and begin their life again as soon as possible.

In general, Jesus asked us to be aware of all the people, to love everybody, and fair trade is a way that can help connect us to our brothers and sisters who live a more disadvantaged life, and help them, the way Christianity requires us to.

(My church sells Beneficio Coffee as a fundraiser, check them out!

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