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It is symbolic of when people would do sacrifices at an alter before Christ. When someone prays at an alter, they are giving God their lives to him as a living sacrifice. It is where Christians can symbolically lay down their problems and requests before the Lord.

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Q: Why do christians go to the altar to pray?
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What do you called altar in mosque?

There isn't really an "altar" in a mosque in the way that churches have one. There is a small recession in one wall, called a "mihrab" that indicates the direction to pray, and there is a platfrom that the imam sits on when giving a sermon, which is called a "mimbar," but no altar.

Where do christians go to pray?

they pray in churches or well anywhere! god and Jesus will be there too:)

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Christians can pray anywhere, anytime.

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Why not??? Christians pray in groups, so why not go to God on a more personal level, and praying for His grace in your own unique way?

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Christians can pray right where they are, wherever they are, any time. They don't need to go anywhere. However, Jesus encouraged His followers to pray in a closet; a quiet, private, secluded place. He Himself went out alone, away from people, in the early hours of the morning.

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Many, but not all, Christians pray daily.

How do you use altar in a sentence?

When I went to church, I stood at the altar. -xoxo ChristyCarla :)P

What are the ways that Christians communicate with God?

Well Christians pray go to church and even just send thoughts to him.

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Christians do not pray to anything that faces Jerusalem.

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Christians can pray anywhere because God will always hear us, Christians also pray at church though :)

Do Sikhs go to the Golden Temple?

Its our temple! just like christians have their church. we go their to pray!

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Of course they go church as Christians in any part of the world.