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It goes with the Jewish tradition that the day ends at sundown.

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Q: Why do catholics have vigil mass only after dark?
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What can't Catholics do on Holy Saturday?

Catholics cannot attend Mass on Good Friday, as there is no Mass held on this day anywhere in the world. In addition all Catholics over the age of 14 are required to abstain from meat. And all Catholics from the completion of their 18 year until they are 59 are required to fast on Good Friday.

Can you receive communion both at the Saturday vigil mass and then Sunday?

Yes. You should only receive Communion once a day, but Saturday and Sunday are two separate days, so you can receive Communion at the Saturday vigil mass and the Sunday mass.

How many times do Roman Catholics go to Mass?

Some devout Catholics go to Mass daily. But generally only Sunday is the day of obligation.

What days of the week do Buddhists go to mass?

Buddhists do not go to mass. Only Christians and Catholics do.

Are Catholics required to attend Mass when traveling?

Yes, if it is possible for them to attend mass when travelling, then they should do so. It is only if they are somewhere where there is no mass available, that they can miss mass.

What day is Holy Communion not distributed?

The only day holy communion is not distributed is on Good Friday, the same day there is no mass. The only church on Good Friday is the adoration, which doesn't include communion and isn't counted as mass. It is a "continuation" of the mass on Holy Thursday, which isn't ended until the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday.Correction:Communion is distributed on Good Friday using hosts consecrated at the Mass on Holy Thursday. It is not distributed on Holy Saturday until the vigil Mass that evening.

Are catholics the only one who call their services mass?

No. Some other Christian Ministries can also call their gatherings a Mass.

Is it true that catholics celebrate liturgy only on Sundays and holy days?

No, the Mass is celebrated every day.

What day do you not go to mass?

In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.In practice you could not go to mass on any day. In terms of the Catholic church, the only day of the year on which there is no mass is Good Friday, so Catholics do not go to mass on Good Friday. There are other services on Good Friday that they do attend.

Is anyone welcome to Mass in the Catholic Church?

Yes anyone is welcome. However, only Catholics may receive Holy Communion.

During Mass do Catholics go up to the Altar?

During the Mass, the only people who should approach and then enter the Sanctuary, in which the Altar is located, are priests, acolytes, and deacons (basically people who are assisting at the Mass). However, Catholics when receiving communion do approach the Altar area but do not enter into it as the priest stands in front of the Sanctuary to distribute communion.

Can anyone attend the Tridentine Mass?

Yes, anyone may attend a Latin Mass. However, only Catholics may receive communion. However, if the Mass is being held at a Church not in union with Rome (eg: Pius X Society Churches) Catholics should not attend these Masses as the group has not yet resolved their differences with Rome.