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There are several reasons:

The Temple's Darbar Sahib (Where Sikhs sit cross legged) is a place of worship. It must be kept clean and no form of foul smell, dirt or dust should follow the person inside.

The Guru Granth Sahib is present. Out of respect for the Guru Granth Sahib, Sikhs do not bring their shoes, slippers inside because such items are smelly, dirty having stepped on dirt and spit or faeces found on the roadsides, etc.

Further, Sikhs sit on the floor that is covered by carpets and white sheets and they will get dirty. The dirt carries different kind of bacteria or viruses that can transmit diseases and also simply put it dirties the carpets and white sheets. Who would want to sit near smelly shoes, dirty shoes or on dirty carpets and white sheets. Sikhs are supposed to wash their feet before entering the prayers premises.

In langgar Halls (place where food is served) most of the above reasons also apply. Hygiene is the foremost for not wearing shoes in the langgar hall.

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