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Roman Catholic AnswerBecause it is at Mass that they witness Christ's sacrifice on the Cross for their salvation. It is at Mass where the grace of Christ's sacrifice is made available to them. It is at Mass where they hear the voice of Christ in the Scriptures and in His priests; and it is in the Mass where they receive His Body and Blood in Holy Communion as He commanded at the Last Supper.

The Mass is the re-presentation of the Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. It is, by a miracle of God, the "making present" the graces to us. Look at it this way. God exists, He just IS. Inside of Him, if you will (outside of God there is nothing), He has created the world. In creating the world, time came into existence because time is a measure of Change. With God, however, there is no change, so there is no time. When God "looks" at His world (our world we live in) He sees it "all at once". The beginning, the middle, and the end.

Somewhere in the middle Jesus became man, and died on the Cross for us. During the Mass, we see the one and only Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross AS IF WE WERE ON CALVARY, WE ARE WITNESSING JESUS' ONE AND ONLY SACRIFICE OF HIS LIFE FOR US. That is what the Mass is. At Mass we witness God sacrificing His life for our salvation. A better way of asking the question would be, "why in the world wouldn't we go to Mass?"

AnswerIts the highest form of prayer. It is meant to gather the congregation (a community) together to celebrate one thing they have in common: their worship and Love of Jesus Christ.

Because 1) Christ commanded it and


The Mass is the re-presentation of Christ's sacrifice on the Cross. By participating in Mass and eating our Lord's Body and Blood which are made truly present in the Eucharist, we witness and share in the grace of his sacrifice on the cross. Thus we are strengthened in grace and faith and sanctified by participating at Mass and worthily eating Christ's flesh and drinking his blood.

it is to remember as jesus says,"do this in memory of me" after breaking the bread. so the mass is celebrated as often as possible.

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Q: Why do Roman Catholics go to Mass?
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