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It comes directly from The Bible.

Matthew 5:37:

But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

James 5:12:

But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.

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Q: Why do Quakers not take Oaths?
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What action that most people do in a court of law do Quakers refuse to do?

Friends, Quakers, German Baptists (now called Church of the Brethren), and old order Dunkards all refuse to "swear" to God or "take oaths".

What required sworn statements of loyalty or religious belief were resisted by the Quakers?

The Loyalty Act

Are the Quakers vegetarian?

No Quakers don't take communion.

Do police have to take oaths?

Yes, or an affirmation if you're non religious.

Where did presidents and vice presidents take the oath?

They take their presidential oaths at Capitol Hill, at their inauguration.

What is the plural of oath?

The plural of "oath" is "oaths."

What is Commissioner of oaths?

The requirements vary by jurisdiction, but a Commissioner for Oaths (aka Commissioner of Oaths) is an officer appointed by the government who can administer oaths. It is similar to a notary public in the United States.

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Both clergy and vassals had to take oaths of loyalty and obedience, and were bound by law and custom to uphold those oaths.

How long did it take the Quakers to get to the southern colonies in the 1600s?

The Quakers came when Pennsylvania formed. William Penn got a charter from King Charles II and led the Quakers into Pennsylvania at 1681.

Why do the athletes have to take an oath?

Athletes don't take a oath at the beginning of games , they take oaths at the beginning of the season. P.S : Don't really know the answer, but I'm sure this will help.

What are the release dates for Broken Oaths - 1912?

Broken Oaths - 1912 was released on: USA: 24 July 1912

What were 4 of the odd behavior traits of the Quakers?

They dressed in a deliberately plain and severe manner, they withheld from their social superiors the customary marks of respect such as bowing, kneeling and removing their hats. They refused to swear oaths or to make war. They allowed women public roles of religious leadership.