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This is said as a sign of veneration, towards the Messenger of Allah, as is said towards all of the other prophets in the history of the world.

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Because (SAW) is said in Arabic and peace be upon him is in English.

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Q: Why do Muslims say Muhammad peace be upon him?
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What do the Muslims say when they hear the he name Muhammad?

They say صلي الله عليه وسلم which means peace be upon him.

What do you say after the you say the name of Prophet Muhammad?

I don't say anything because I am not a Muslim. Muslims say "peace be upon him". I have heard anti-Muslims say much ruder things, but I find this unnecessarily insulting. After mentioning the name the holy Prophets the Muslims say, e.g.: Hazrat Abraham (AS- Alai-his-salam or May peace be upon him) After the name of Hazrat Muhammad the Muslims say Sallal la ho alai wasallam or may say the May peace be upon him. The Muslims must respect all the holy Prophets (May peace be upon them all). It is obligatory on them.

Why does say peace be with him after the name of muhammed?

Because it is compulsory for all Muslims to say that whenever the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him's) name is mentioned. it is for respect.

What do Muslims say after Muhammad?

If you mean to count the years, Muslims often calculate years after the Hijra; years after the Hijra are labelled AH. For calculations, please note that the Islamic year is about 11 days shorter than the regular year. If you mean what do Muslims say after speaking the name of "Muhammad", the most often thing that they say in Arabic is Rasul Allah 3alayhi salaam (رسول الله عليه سلام) which means "Messenger of God, peace be upon him". In English, they simply say "Peace be upon him".

Why do sunni Muslims send salutation to Muhammad?

they say salla al alayhi wa selam ...(may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Allah is God.

What did Muhammad say about the Kaba?

Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) Say,s Which Meaning IS " Kaba is SHAA-e-IR ISLAM (Sign of ALLAH) "

How do Jews say peace be upon you?

Jewish viewAs a greeting, we say "Shalom Alechem" when we meet people such as friends and fellow Jews. This does mean Peace be upon you. But we don't use it in reference to prophets, as Muslims do. They say "Mohammad (PBUH)" which means Peace be upon him or Praise be upon him. Muslim viewMuslims greet each other by saying "assalmu aleikom" that means peace upon you or they simply say "salam" that means peace. Jews say "Shalom Alechem" that means also peace upon you or they simply say "shalom" that means also peace. So, both Muslims and Jews say same words but in Arabic and Hebrew; respectively.

Why do Muslims say god bless him after Muhammad's name?

It is not Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) only whom the Muslim say God bless him. The Muslims pray for all the prophets of Almighty Allah. They also believe in all the prophets (May Allah bless them all).

What would a Muslim say about Jesus?

Muslims view Jesus as one of the five greatest God prophets (namely; Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad; peace be upon them). refer to question below for more information.

Why do Muslims say bismillahe alrahman ne raheem whenever they begin a new endeavor?

The Muslims have been advised by the last Prophet Muhammad (May peace be upon him) to begin all actions in the holy name of Almighty Allah. In this way the Muslims remember Allah Karim, seek His assistance, and ensure that the action they are going to do is lawful and Halal.

What do Muslims say when they speak of Muhammad's name?

they have to say salat

How do you say hello in urdu?

In Pakistan the Muslims uses the Arabic greating to say Hello! "Assalam-u-alaikum." which lit. means 'Peace be upon you.'