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Muslims read Qur'an to get good rewards.If we do that we go to heaven(Jannah).


Quran is words of God.

prophet said:

if you wished God talk you read Quran and if you wished you talk God do worship.

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The reason why Muslims read quran is so that they could praise Allah (their god) and they get good deeds for reciting it.

Every letter recited is equal to 10 good deeds

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When do Muslims read the Qu'ran?

Muslims can read the Quran anytime, with a few exceptions.

Why should Muslims read Quran?

Muslims should read the qu'ran becaues we are doing (Allah) god will

What do Muslims do duing the month of Ramadan?

They worship god and read the Quran

How do Muslims look after the Qur'an?

Muslims respect the Quran. They handle it with care by putting it in the highest place in their house. Also memorizing it is another way of looking after the Quran.

Where do Muslims believe Allahs direct revelations can be read?

In the quran in the original Arabic

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Christians read the holy bible.

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Because Muslims have to to read the Quran constantly

Can Muslims read the Qur'an any where?

Yes, Muslims can read Quran anywhere on condition to be clean place and free from any dirt or forbidden items or activities (such alcohols or gambling places)

Do Muslims have a special room to read the Qu'ran in?

No. The Muslims can read the Quran in any place that is clean and not dirty/filthy. They can read it in the library, at home, in school, on the bus, on a plane - in fact anywhere. They are only forbidden to read it in a filthy place.

Why do Muslims the read the quranorkarn?

Quran i think so.. Quran is a source of knowlege.. Its on everything and it also show the way to live life on earth..!! Suppose Humans are machines & quran is it user manual..

What bibles are the Muslims supposed to read?

the Muslims call their Bible the Quran or Koran (there are multiple spellings) They treat it with the greatest reverence possible, and I have great respect for them

Why do Muslims teach Arabic in school?

Although the Quran is now available in languages other than Arabic, Muslims prefer to read it in Arabic if possible.