

Best Answer


Muslims use water for what? if you mean for Taharah after pee or excretion, that is easy, try it!!! interestingly if the world learn just this issue from Muslims their life would smell good.

but if you mean Ghosl and Vozu, it hase it's way. if you like to know I can help you...


Muslims use water as all people of the world in addition to its use for minor and major Ablution ritual worships.

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Q: Why do Muslims pray using water?
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Muslims DO NOT PRAY TO MOHAMMAD (peace be upon him),Muslims pray to ALLAH.

Do Muslims pray to God in churches?

Muslims pray in mosques.

Do Muslims pray in their sleep?

No, Muslims pray at 5 times a day: dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, evening. Muslims do not pray while sleeping.

Do Muslims worship in a synagogue?

No; Jews pray to God, creator of the universe. Muhammad is associated with Islam, not with Judaism. Judaism has no connection to Muhammad and does not have an official religious position on him other than him not being a prophet. Note that Muslims also do not pray to Muhammad. Muslims pray to Allah (using the Qur'an which they say that Muhammad revealed).

Where do Muslims pray in mosque?

in the Pray hall

Where do Muslims pray in a mosque?

in the Pray hall

Do Muslims pray to Allah?

Muslims are ordered to pray directly to ALLAH without any human or spiritual intermediaries. Muslims do not pray to anyone but ALLAH and they do so directly. An Imam may lead the prayers, but he does not pray on behalf of the others, to each his own prayer.

What is the Name of the place which is clean but Muslims can not pray their?

Graveyard. On the grave or on the tombstone. Muslims do not worship people in graves. Also, Muslims can not pray on top of Kabah. You can pray inside it but not on top of it.

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Muslims are not allowed to pray in whether it is a chapel or church. Muslims pray facing Qibla which is in Mecca.

Do Muslims pray separately?

They can, but it is recommended that they pray together.

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It is not true. Muslims neither pray nor eat pork or pig.

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Muslims are required to pray 5 times a day