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The 9th of Zilhajja is the main prayer of Hajj. The pilgrims gather in the field of Arafat. They are uniformly clad in Ihraam, unailored sheets of white cloth. They pray to Almighty Allah because it is the tradition and the main ritual of Hajj. The last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad saw taught the Muslims to do so.

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Q: Why do Muslims pray on a hill during the Hajj?
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Why do Muslims go hajj?

To pray

What is the Muslim hajj?

Hajj four facts Where does Muslims do Hajj? Muslims pray in the Kaaba. Why does Muslims do Hajj? Once, Mohamed sad to Muslims, that third best think after belief to Allah is excellent Hajj. What are they doing when they get there? They are praying & praise Allah-it is calling Tawaf

Why do Muslims stand on the Day of Arafat?

Performing Hajj is obligatory on each Muslim once in life. The chief ritual of Hajj is staying at the field of Arafat on the 9th of Zil- Hajja. The Muslims stay there to pray to Almighty Allah and complete the Hajj.

Why do Muslims pray at mount Arafat?

It is ritual worship. During hajj Muslims go to Arafat (close to Mecca) on the 9th of Zulhejja until before sunset. During the day Muslims do their normal salat or praying (except Maghrib or sunset praying). Then in the rest of the day they pray to Allah requesting his forgiveness and requesting accepting then in his Paradise in the 2nd life.

What do Muslims do when gathered to worship?

The question already includes the answer: Muslims gather to worship (pray or during Hajj or pilgrimage).Muslims don't gather in worshipping places to plan for something or make rare actions, they just pray the way which is well known, they also greet each others after the end of prayers, then go home.

What does Muslims do during prayers?


Why hajj is special for Muslims?

Hajj is that activity in Islam, which seals and combines all the rest of the pillars and practices of the religion. It is Fard on every Muslim to perform the Pilgrimage of kaaba i.e. The Hajj ateast once in a life time for everyone who can afford to do so.

What religon prays towards mecca?

Muslims pray towards Makkah on a daily basis it is also where they start the Islamic pilgrimage Hajj.

What shrine do Muslims face when they pray?

They all face the Ka'aba. This is in Mecca, and is the building Muslims circle 7 times during Hajj (the pilgramidge of faith and 1 of the 5 pillars of Islam.) Qiblah is the Arabic word for the direction faced during prayer (i.e. the direction of the Ka'aba) Hope this helps x

What is the name of the old temple in Mecca?

What you termed as "the old temple" in Mecca is not really a temple. It is regarded as the House of Allah where Muslims face when they pray to Allah. It is called the "Kaabah". Muslims all over the world will face towards the 'Kaabah' when they perform their prayers. Muslims also circle the Kaabah seven times anticlockwise when the perform the ritual 'Tawaf' during the Hajj season as one of the seven mandatory acts of the Total Hajj Pilgrimage.

Why do Muslims go to the ka'ba today?

For many reasons , Just to pray and praise Allah ( GOD ) , Perform "Umrah" which is one of the ways Muslims can worship their GOD , Perform Hajj which is the 5th pillar if Islam .

When Muslims go to Mecca where do the go?

Muslims go to Allah's(god) house to pray It is called Ka'aba. It was built by Hazrat Abraham (AS) and hs son Hazrat Ismaiel (AS). It is the most sacred place for Muslims. They also go there for Hajj - Pilgrimage.