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because it is the obligation in Islam

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Q: Why do Muslims only bury?
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Do afghan bury women after their death?

Yes, all Muslims bury their dead (whether male or female).

Can Muslims keep ashes of their dead pets?

bury them or get them creamated.

Do Muslims have to bury their dead in 48 hours?

yeah burry them in less than 12 hours ; )

Do Muslims use mummification?

NO. Ancient Egyptians used mummification and this had not been the practice in Egypt for centuries before Muslims invaded Egypt in 639 C.E. Mummification uses salt to remove water from the body, the body is wrapped tightly in bandages and resin. Muslims wash the body of a deceased person, wrap it in loose cloth, and bury it in a shallow grave. It is a completely different process.

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i think it is for almost everyone

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Sikhs only cremate.

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A kafir can not lead Muslims. Only a Muslim can lead Muslims.

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No. This is a special prayer in which only Muslims can take part.

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Christians do not have a fasting month, only Muslims do.

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It is about the muslims and is only between the muslims like me and the serbians

Do Islams believe in bur ying?

yes they only bury

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Zakat can only be given to non Muslims if its intent is to help them become Muslims.