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Q: Why do Muslims not look at other people during prayer in a mosque?
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What is the building that Muslims use for prayer?

a mosque

What is a mosque school for Muslims?

for prayer

When do Muslims visit a mosque?

Muslims visit the mosque whenever they desire to pray. Friday is Namaz-e-Jummah or Friday prayers. Muslims go to the mosque for a community prayer. The priest (Skeih) is in the mosque five times a day. So whenever Muslims go to the mosque during the five prayer times, they do prayers with the Skeih which has more rewards.

Why do Muslims visit the mosque?


Why do Muslims pray with other people?

When Muslims pray in a group like in a mosque, the reward is more than individual prayer.

Do Islamic people pray in a mosk?

Yeah, Muslims pray in Mosque. Although Five prayers in a day are permissible at home but preferred in the Mosque. Juma Prayer (prayer on every Friday) is not allowed at home.

Is mosque a pilgrimage for Muslims?

No, a Mosque is a place of prayer for Islam. One of the main pilgrimages for Islam is Mecca.

When do Muslims use mosque?

Muslims go to congregational prayer on Fridays in the afternoon, but they should try to get the mosque other times too whenever they get a chance.

Do people visit the mosque on any particular day?

If by visit you're talking about non-Muslims visiting a mosque, then it will depend on the mosque.If you're talking about Muslim prayer, prayers at the mosque are attended 5 times a day, 7 days a week. The Gathering Prayer, or Mass Prayer, is on Friday. It is required for men to attend this prayer.

What is the place of worship for Muslims called for Buddhists?

The Muslims offer their prayer in a Mosque. The Bhuhists have separate temples.

What is the first city that Muslims faced when they prayed?

there is a place in mecca that is where all people face to pray including someone hint hint jk i know a lot of Muslims though Answer-2 At first the Muslims offered their prayer facing Masjid-i-Aqsa in Jerusalem. During prayer at Madina Munawra the Command to face Khana ka'aba was revealed to the holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) who turned his face during prayer towards Khana Ka'aba. That mosque is known as Masjid-i-qiblatain (The mosque havin two Qiblas).

What is the person called who calls Muslims to prayer from the minaret of a Mosque?

Muezzin (or Muzim)