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Blacks of African descent are different genetically and genealogically than dark-skinned people of other races (such as Australian Aboriginals, Pacific Islanders, and Hispanics) This is not unique to the Mormon faith, but an accepted fact.

Biblically, blacks of African descent are the descendents of Ham, the son of Noah.

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the 'Mormon' church) has no doctrine or belief specifically about African Americans. They do have a belief about all blacks of African descent, however.

Mormons believe that all people, regardless of race or nationality, are beloved children of God, and that all should be treated with equal love and respect. The Book of Mormon says "He (God) inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female;… and all are alike unto God." (2 Nephi 26:33) Their open acceptance of black members and condemnation of slavery got them into some trouble in the mid 1800's, and is one of the reasons that the Mormons were forced out of Missouri by extermination order.

In the early days of the church, a few black men of African descent were ordained to the priesthood. However after the Church moved to Utah in 1847, black converts were no longer able to be ordained. Only the descendants of those who were ordained prior to the move could be ordained to the priesthood. In 1978, this policy was rescinded and all men, regardless of race, were again accepted as ordained priesthood holders. The reason for this ban has been speculated by many but the Church has not come out with an official reason. While blacks were not accepted in the priesthood, it was always taught that they were eligible for the same eternal blessings and the same salvation as everyone else.

Mormons believe that The Bible account explains that the black African people are descendants of Ham, the son of Noah. Due to the curse given to Ham and his son Canaan at the end of Genesis chapter 9, their descendants were given dark skin to identify them.

In the Mormon church today, all people are welcome to participate, and all males, regardless of their race or nationality, qualify for priesthood ordination and leadership positions.

It is interesting to note that although initially, blacks were not allowed to hold the priesthood, they were welcome to be baptized, and have full fellowship with the saints. The church did not segregate the congregations as many others did. Joseph Smith had a love for them and even sold his wife's horse and gave the money to a man so that he could buy his son out of slavery.

Also, the dark skin was not a curse. It was an identification.

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