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The New Testament primarily assumes that Jesus was the Messiah and the Savior, who came to forgive all our sins and fulfill the prophesies made in the Hebrew Bible. (Jews do not call it the Old Testament. It is generally called in Hebrew the Tanakh, or sometimes referred to as the Torah-- the Teachings of God.) The New Testament is the book about the origins of Christianity, and that is why Christians refer to the Hebrew Bible as the Old Testament, since Christians believe there is a now a new religion and a new testament. But Jews do not believe any new bible can be added to the Hebrew Bible, nor do they believe in the new religion of Christianity. Christians often point to verses in the Hebrew scriptures that they believe are predictions of Jesus as the savior and messiah, but Jews do not believe that these verses are about Jesus at all.

Among the other reasons why Jews do not accept the New Testament: Jews do not believe that God has a son (we are ALL sons and daughters of God); that a human sacrifice is needed for sins; or that anyone's death can atone for another person's sin: the Book of Ezekiel says very clearly in chapter 18 that no-one can die for your sins, and that the person who sins, he (or she) alone bears the punishment. Also, Jews commonly understand that when the messiah comes, there will be world peace, an end to prejudice, and everyone uniting in the belief in the one God (Zechariah 8:23). Since this has not yet occurred, and since there is no mention in the Hebrew Bible of a second coming, Jews conclude that Jesus could not have been the messiah, and they are thus still waiting for the Messiah to come.

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They believe that the massiah is going to come but not yet

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Q: Why do Jews only believe the Old Testament?
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Why do Jews only believe in the Old Testament?

because its the only book that is inspired by God.

Do Jews have the Old Testament?

That's pretty much the only part they believe in.

Do Jews believe more in the old testament?

YES. Compared with any other religion, Jews have the strongest focus on the Old Testament.

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Jews believe the Old Testament, but they don't believe most of the New. So yes they did.

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Jews and Christains are related. They both believe in the Lord God. But the Jews only believe in the old testament ( Before Jesus was born). The christians believe in both the old and the new testament. To make this simpler the Jews didn't believe in Jesus but the christians did. Another name for Jesus was the messiah. Pronouced Me-Sigh-A.

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Christians and Jews today believe and study the Old Testament. The Jews made it, but as Jesus was Jewish, Christians study it too.

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Christians believe he was, Jews and Muslims believe not. Certainly there is no direct or indirect reference to Jesus in the Old Testament.

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----------------------- Matthew's Gospel contains the most references to the Old Testament, so much so that some believe that it could only have been written for Jews.

How can the Bible be written for the Jewish people if they do not believe in the New Testament?

A:The Bible is already written for Jews, who do not believe in the New Testament. Christians call this the Old Testament, while Jews call it the Tanach.A Bible has even been written for people who do not believe in the prophecies of the Old Testament or that miracles happen. This is called the Jefferson Bible, after one of the American Founding Fathers.

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