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They do. An Orthodox Jewish boy's first haircut is at age 3, but it's just the sides of the head that remain uncut because of a passage in the Torah that doesn't allow that part to be touched.

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12y ago

Highly observant Jewish men do not 'take a razor' to 'the corners of their beards'. This biblical commandment (Leviticus 19:27) is interpreted variously by different communities. Modern orthodox shave with electric shavers rather than razors. Chassidic pietists take the precaution of not shaving at all. In between are those who trim their beards but leave the payos (earlocks) alone as 'the corners'.

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11y ago

There is no requirement for Jewish women to cut their hair. Orthodox women may grow their haire to any length, but once they are married, their hair becomes private, and they usually cover it with a hat or a wig.

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To stop lice spreading in the concentration camps

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14y ago

Jews tend to keep it short actually.

If you are talking about having long 'sideburns', these are called Peyos/Payis and it was commanded for Jewish men to keep them there in Leviticus.

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Q: Why do Jewish men grow their hair long?
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What does the long hair on Jewish men mean?

Orthodox Jewish men usually keep their hair short. The sidelocks are allowed to grow (depending on the specific custom), in a stringent fulfillment of the verse (Leviticus ch.19) concerning not shaving the corners of the beard.

Can men's hair grow as long as women's hair?

Yes, some girls find long haired men attractive.

How long does it take for a men to grow long hair?

you have to have certain genes, my hair grows an inch and a half in a month. but it will take about half of a year to grow it really long

Can you grow long hair on sims 2 castaway?

Yes and men can grow beards to their waist

What does GOD think about long hair on men?

Jesus had long hair so did samson. god gave us hair to grow so what do you think?

Can exercise grow body hair in men?

No it can not grow your hair.

What kind of hairstyle did the Apache tribe use?

The Cherokee women would wear their hair long and plain. They would comb bear grease into it to make it shiny and slick. The men would pluck most hair from their heads and either leave a short Mohawk with a long lock of hair in theback which they would ornament with variousjewelry, or they would leave only a patch of long hair at the area of the head where Jewish men wear a kippah. The exception being of the men of the Long Hair Clan, which would grow their hair long and do it up in elaborate styles with braids and curlers and other decorations.

Why does beards grow only for boys and long hairs only for girls?

Guy can grow long hair, but facial hair is due to the levels testosterone men have more than women.

How does women hair grow?

Like men's hair

Why do womans hair tend to grow longer then men?

It doesn't. Its simply because men cut they're hair short and we grow it out.

How can men grow their hair long?

As simple as that: they let it grow long. That involves not cutting it and keeping it clean and untangled, etc. just like girls with long hair do.As to why (the other meaning of 'how can..'), also very simple: because they want to.

Why do men have short hair and women have long hair?

Actually, this is kind of a question that isn't very accurate. Some men actually do have long hair, but you don't see them around as often as guys that have short hair. This is because guys will get made fun of if their hair is too long, but girls having long hair is her feminism. Girls that have short hair don't really get much attention.Girls have long hair because..Most guys are attracted to long hairGirls can hide many things (double chins, weird ears) with long hairGirls just love having and taking care of long hair!Guys have short hair because..Most Girls are attracted to men with shorter hairShort hair is easier to be kept, less matinence.