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FROM A JEHOVAH'S WITNESSJehovah's Witnesses are not the only religion in the world that has experienced growth. However, since this question is being posed in the Jehovah's Witness catagory, it seems evident that the asker was seeking the perspective of Jehovah's Witnesses on this, which I will be happy to provide.

The number of Jehovah's Witnesses earthwide has doubled in the last 20 years, from about 3.5 million when I was baptised as one of JW's, to just over 7 million now, active in some 235 countries. Currently, the growth rate is about 1 million more JW's every 3 to 4 years. This is significant, esp when you consider that we do not count "pew-sitters" among our numbers. Only those who are active in the public preaching work that we are known for, are counted. Any who are baptised that may have become inactive, any who have had to be removed from the congregation for severe unrepentant wrong doing, or those who are not baptised as a JW, are not counted in that number.

We believe that the reason for the increase is due to the approval and blessing of Jehovah God, and the direction of his son, Jesus Christ over the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses (Ephesians 5:24; Colossians 1:18). We believe that our world-wide public preaching work is being blessed by Jesus Chrst, who commanded his followers "go and preach," (Matthew 28:19,20) and that our preaching work was prophesied as a feature of the "last days," or "end times." (Matthew 24:14)

We believe that the increase in our world-wide numbers was prophesied about centuries ago at Isaiah 2:2 and Isaiah 60:22, and to us, it is no surprize that it is happening. We have actually been expecting a "speeding up" of the work as was indicated in Isaiah 60:22 for years, and we are now seeing it. That same prophecy speaks of the "little one" becoming a "mighty nation." It is interesting that JW's now number more than the populations of over half the nations on earth, and it keeps growing.

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14y ago

A Jehovah's Witness would reply

Because it relies with Jehovah's guide and spirit. This is how great results conclude even through Satan's big efforts to stop it.

Jehovah's Witnesses follow the first century model of engaging in what they call the "house to house" method of evangelizing; this has proved very effective in contacting potential members. Their message appeals to those searching for biblical answers and this has resulted in a phenonemal growth worldwide.

They are presently the fastest growing Christian denomination in America.

"Although Jehovah's Witnesses ranked 24th on the list of 25 largest churches, they reported the largest growth rate -- 2.25 percent -- of all churches." -- Brittani Hamm (Religion News Service)

A non-witness point of view

Interesting question, there's actually not much success in their growth. Although the Jehovah's Witnesses religion is growing, growth rates since the mid to late 1990's have been rapidly dwindling compared to earlier years. In 1995 the rate of growth was at an impressive 5.4% in more recent years this figure hasn't been so good. 2005 saw the lowest since the mid 70s at 1.2%, 2006 wasn't much better with a 1.5% increase, 2007 peeked at 3.1%, then in 2008 it dropped back down to 2.1%, 2009 is the best year for growth within the Jehovah's Witness religion in over a decade seeing an growth increase of 3.2%.

My personal opinion on this is the reduction in growth has taken place largely because of the increased accessibility on exposures in JW doctrines and information and history on their organization the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society via the internet. The two seem to coincide with one another and on top of that, when you consider the Watchtower's stand on their members use of the Internet the it all seems to add up.

Never the less, although the Jehovah's Witnesses are growing this is by no means evidence for anything, as the Watchtower try to propagate that their growth is evidence that they have "the truth". Because if you were to ask a Jehovah's Witnesses: "If you have the Truth why are numbers so few in comparison to other Christian groups?"

They would more than likely respond by citing the passage Matthew 7:13-14 "Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few."

So by this merit growth in the organization is both encouraged and discouraged at the same time. This is typical Watchtower Propaganda leaving their serving members satisfied in an given situation.

Jehovah's Witnesses are very zealous, very dedicated people. They are trained to challenge other's beliefs and are well trained in what they believe. The reason for their success is mainly down to the failures of the other "Christian" churches. Jehovah's Witnesses are very good at reaching the nominal church goer and the "Christian" who doesn't attend church; those who only have a rough idea about the Christian doctrines.

Consider the following: in the 2007 Service year (Sept 2006 - Aug 2007) Jehovah's Witness publishers spent an incredible 1,431,761,554 hours in field service (that would be largely door to door work). From that there were 298,304 baptized, that's a staggering average of 4,800 hours per new member.

The average Witness spends around 10 hours per mouth door knocking, this means it would taking 40 years of door knocking to convert one person. Consider this though, this figure does not take into consideration that many of those baptized were children and young teenagers who had been brought up in the religion.

2009 saw a spike in publishers, with the largest % increase in 11 years. However, most other statistics for 2009 were worse than previous years. Total baptisms are down, the % of baptisms per publisher is the third lowest in memory, and hours preaching for a single baptism has risen to the highest ever at 5,639. This indicates that the increase in publishers has come from inactive Witnesses starting to preach again. This is a good indication that the increase is a response to the global recession. In times of uncertainty growth in publishers occurs as weaker Witnesses are reinvigorated due to fear Armageddon is imminent.

Even more disappointing is the high turn over rate among Witnesses. From 2003-2007 there were 1,315,523 baptized, but in this same time period there were only 507,744 new members. That means that 807,779 (61%) of the new Witnesses have gone missing...

In February 2008 a survey was conducted in the US by 'The Pew Forum' on 'Religion and Public Life', which showed that the Jehovah's Witnesses had the lowest retention rate of 37% out of all other religions. Compare this to Hinduism was at 84% and Protestant Christianity at 80% and Islam that was well into the 90's. That means that close to two thirds (63%) of Witnesses that grow up in the organization leave it when they are adults.

In the US currently the Witnesses are one of the fastest growing religions, but when compared globally with such movements as the Charismatic/Pentecostal movement that began at the turn of the 20th century and really took off in the 1960's and is now growing at a staggering rate of around 9 million per year. At present there are around 620 million that are part of this movement, so in comparison the Jehovah Witness religion, that began in 1876, their growth isn't as successful as Jehovah's Witnesses like to make out.

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13y ago

The reason why what we do is well known is because there is no other organized religion that speaks the truth and goes to peoples' houses. Other religions have tried but have failed because they are not as united and get too wrapped up in their own hectic lives. We Jehovah's Witnesses also have what we call missionaries, people that will learn new languages and go to other countries where there might not be many Witnesses or any at all for that matter.

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14y ago

Jehovah's Witneses exist because millions of people see the Jehovah's Witnesses religion as being the most acceptable way to worship. They have found satisfying answers to questions such as "Why does God permit wickedness?", "What happens at death?", "What is the purpose of life?"....and an international brotherhood that has shown love for their fellowman and each other in a world sourly short of this quality.

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9y ago

Yes, indeed they are increasing in numbers. Jehovah's Witnesses provide an annual report that includes all the statistics about Jehovah's Witnesses and their members. Keep in mind, that their membership is not just someone on their rolls, they have to be baptized and active in the religion. Others that regularly attend are not included in the number of "Publishers".

According to the 2000 yearbook, in 1999 there were:

89,985 total congregations world wide

5,653,987 average Publishers (active members) that conducted

4,433,884 free home Bible Studies on a regular basis.

The Worldwide Memorial Attendance was 14,088,751 people, including active witnesses & interested persons. This event is the observance of the last meal of Jesus Christ, who commanded them to observe this occasion "in rememberance of me"

According to the 2014 yearbook, in 2013 there were:

113,8323 total congregations world wide

7,698,377 average Publishers (active members) that conducted

9,254,963 free home Bible Studies on a regular basis

The Worldwide Memorial Attendance was 19,241,252 people, including active witnesses & interested persons. This event is the observance of the last meal of Jesus Christ, who commanded them to observe this occasion "in rememberance of me"

So, from 1999 to 2013 there has been an increase of about 36% in active Jehovah's Witnesses.

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