Choosing to be cremated is a personal decision. True Christians believe in the resurrection according to Acts 24:15-And I have hope toward God, which hope these men also look forward to, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.
Although we may not fully understand how the resurrection will take place, we have every confidence that God has the ability to restore us and he will bring those trusting in him back to enjoy the promises he has made for those obedient ones.
Christians strongly believe that their religion is the one true religion. Some have difficulty accepting that followers of other religions believe just as strongly that their own religion is the true religion. There may even be a sense for some Christians that it is in some way irrational for others not to convert readily to Christianity, when told what Christians believe.Some Christians also believe that they have a duty to convert followers of all other religions, to Christianity. Finally, it is a requirement among certain minor Christian sects and denominations for young adults to spend up to two years attempting to convert others.
Everyone should play it, not just christians.
Christianity is a religion. There is no one ethnicity that goes with being a christian. We believe that the teachings of Jesus should be available to everyone; Basically we're everywhere.
Upon cremation the body would be reduced to ashes and small fragment of bones. The Christians soul would go to be with the lord as if he had been buried in any conventional manner. Cremation was not taught in Gods word and it is probably not the way a Christians body should be disposed of at death. However there is no teaching in Gods word that specifically prohibits it. There is an excellent article in the magazine "Christian Research Journal" that explores this subject in depth. The consensus they reach is that a Christians body should not be cremated.
none should
The aims of both the organisation and the believer's goals are similar. God created everyone equal and so everyone should be treated equally and all should have equal rights
it was in the bible so it should have spoken to some if not most Christians and i recon he went to heaven and there were no trace of his body
No, Christians believe that there is only one God and that is the God of the Bible, who is the creator of all. he alone is worthy to be worshipped.
All good Christians should.
The pope is the best person to believe what the 'Catholics' should believe but not necessarily what ALL christians should believe. It really is a matter of personal opinion. The Pope acts as a connection between all Catholics/Christians on earth and to help them to lead a good and fulfilled life so he knows what he is talking about.