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Roman Catholic AnswerCatholics believe that Our Blessed Lord (Jesus) is the second person of the Most Holy Trinity. That He proceeds from God the Father, and that with the Holy Spirit, they are all one God in three persons. Catholics believe that Our Blessed Lord was incarnate in the Blessed Virgin Mary, and born a man. That He lived as a many for thirty-three years, taught His Apostles and disciples for the last three, suffered, died, and rose from the death, in atonement for our sins: to enable us to return to God's favor. That He established His Church on earth, which is His Mystical Body, and His Bride, and appointed St. Peter as its first vicar. That He remains with us always in the Most Blessed Sacrament, that He loves us more than we can imagine, and that He will do whatever is necessary to save us from our sins to be with Him in heaven - IF we cooperate with Him.
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11y ago

Catholics believe that Jesus is the Second Person (Logos) of the Blessed Trinity who for our sake was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell, on the third day He rose again from the Dead and is seated in at the Right Hand of the Father. He will come again to Judge the Living and the Dead. - this is from the Apostles Creed.

For more of and in depth discussion of this see the link below.

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12y ago


Catholic AnswerOur Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, is the Son of God, who became incarnate of the Blessed Virgin Mary, taught His Disciples for three years, and then offered Himself as the Paschal Lamb to be tortured and put to death on the Cross for our salvation. He established His Church on the Apostle Peter, it was formed from His Side as He hung dead on the cross and was pierced by the soldier's lance. It was then shown to the world 53 days later when the Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles, strengthening them. Our Blessed Lord promised to be with His Church until the end of the world, it is the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, it is His Mystical Body, and it is the only normal way that He established for men to be saved. Catholics view Our Blessed Lord in the Blessed Sacrament reserved in the Tabernacle, they view Him in every single person they meet during the day, and they believe that they will be judged when they die by how they treated Him in their fellow man.
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He is the savior of the world. The Son sent by the Father to take away the sins of the world and to teach the way to Eternal Life.

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Because the catholics stay faithful to the Creator and believe in the one god.

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Q: Why do Catholics believe what the Catholic Church teaches about Jesus?
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Catholics believe that Jesus Christ founded the Catholic Church, and that this Church is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.

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.Roman Catholic AnswerCatholics believe that the Catholic Church was the only Church established by God through His Son, Our Blessed Lord, who guaranteed it until the end of the world, and promised that there would be only One Shepherd and One Fold. Catholics believe that the Catholic Church is the only true faith because they believe God and take Him at His word.

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The same things all Catholics believe in. The word "Catholic" comes from the word which means universal or according to the whole. The Catholic Church is the same the world over and through the centuries.

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The pope for Roman Catholics (Catholics who attend mass in the Latin rite), as well as for Catholics of the Byzantine Catholic Church, the Ethiopian Catholic Church, the Greek Catholic Church, the Maronite Catholic Church, the Assyrian Catholic Church, and many more, none of which celebrate the Roman rite, but all of which are in union with the Pope.

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The Catholic Church has come out completely opposed to the Rh bill as nearly every one of its provisions is 180 degrees from what the Catholic Church believes and preaches. To be a good Catholic you must educate yourself on what the Church teaches, believe it, and live by it.

Are all Catholics Roman Catholics?

Catholic AnswerNo, Roman Catholics are Catholics who live in Rome. All Roman Catholics are Catholics, but all Catholics do not live in Rome. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church at the Vatican. .AnswerAll Catholics are Roman Catholics as the head is in Vatican in Rome. The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the world's largest Christian church, with more than one billion members worldwide. It is among the oldest institutions in the world and has played a prominent role in the history of Western civilization. The Catholic hierarchy is led by the Pope and includes cardinals, patriarchs and diocesan bishops. The Church teaches that it is the one true Church founded by Jesus Christ, that its bishops are the successors of Christ's apostles and that the Pope is the sole successor to Saint Peter.

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Yes. Catholics believe that everyone, black, Asiain or otherwise is equall

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