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Catholics ARE Christians, the originalChristians, and have the same Commandments as the Protestant denominations. However, they may be numbered differently than in the Protestant Bible.

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Q: Why do Catholic not have the same commandments has Christians?
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Roman Catholic AnswerCatholics call themselves Christians because they are Christians. Catholics are forbidden by the Commandments to worship pictures, handmade things, or to commit idolatry so they do none of these things.

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No, they are not the same. Catholics are Christians, but not all Christians are Catholic. Christians are those that believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God. In addition to Catholics, Christianity includes Anglicans, Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, Episcopalians, and numerous other churches.

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Jews and Christians keep the Ten Commandments.

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Catholics, Are Christians, The catholic Church is the oldest Christian church all other christian churches split from the catholic church.. They do the same thing all other Christians do. If you want a long answer, either look it up or ask, a catholic

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The KJV of the Ten Commandments or Statements as compared to the Catholic version of the same differ in this way: Commands 1 and 2 are merged (becoming 1) in the Catholic version while Command 10 is split into two separate ones (9 and 10).

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Are they? Jesus said that there are basically two commandments: Love the LORD your God. Love your neighbour as yourself. If people are selective about these then prbably they are not Christians.

Who was first Catholic or Christian?

Catholic AnswerCatholic and Christian mean the same thing, and have meant the same thing since the first century. However, since the Protestant revolt in the sixteenth century, there are people who are not visible members of the Catholic Church who are considered Christians as they have been validly baptized and believe in the Nicene Creed in its traditional interpretation.Your confusion may stem from the protestant revolt when the heretics who left the Church called themselves "Christians" and used that word to exclude Christians who belong to the Catholic Church. This is an error, and historically incorrect.All Catholics are Christians, not all Christians are Catholics.

Should Christians were Catholic things?

Catholics are Christians.

What percentage of Christians in the UK are Roman Catholic?

About 8-9% of Christians in the UK are Roman Catholic.

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The difference between CSI Christians and Roman Catholic Christians is the Holy Rosary, prayer through Mary and baptism.

Do all Christians believe in the Ten Commandments?

Well they should because the Ten Commandments are located in Exodus, which is part of the Bible.

What is the difference between a Synagogue and a Catholic Church?

a synagouge is the temple of the jews. a church is the temple of the christians.