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I'm not aware that Buddhists tie beads in trees. Tibetan Buddhists string prayer flags between trees and from poles on stupas, high mountain passes and other places. These flags are printed with mantras, and every time they flutter in the breeze they are spreading the merit of that mantra's message through the air to all living beings.

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Q: Why do Buddhists tie beads and streamers in trees?
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all you need to do is buy a kit or some string and beads. take the string tie a knot big enough so the beads wont fall off and then put the beads you want on the string finally tie both ends together.

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Cut the string take a few beads off and tie it back together smaller

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Go to a craft store. Get loose beads you like and a 7 inch piece of elastic to string the beads. String them then tie it off to close it. The store may also have a kit for making a bracelet.

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What are those things called that you tie between trees and then lay on?

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How do you make simple friendship bands?

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How do you make a bracelet using pipe cleaners an plastic beads?

Cut a pipe cleaner to your desired length for the bracelet. String plastic beads onto the pipe cleaner in your chosen pattern. Twist the ends of the pipe cleaner together to secure the beads in place and form a bracelet.

What did love beads mean in the 60's?

Love beads did not have a definitive meaning. Hippies gathered clothing and decorating ideas from around the world; some think the American Indian love of beads was the emphasis for love beads. Hippie styles included tie-die and paisley print clothing, hip hugger bellbottom pants, headbands, sandals and flip-flops, and buckskin. Beads and string was cheap to buy and necklaces easy to make. Some hippies even removed doors from their apartments and hung long vertical rows of strung beads in place of the doors as decoration.