

Best Answer

because they read a fake bible

because they read a fake bible

because they read a fake bible

because they read a fake bible

because they read a fake bible

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Q: Why do Baptists think god only loves them?
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What god do Baptists believe in?

The one and only God. The Creator of the Earth.

What does god think of gay and transexuals?

Only He himself knows that answer.

Why don't Baptists call God Jehovah?

Actually, they do, just not as a general habit. Typically, Baptists refer to God by the generic God. Baptists use pretty much all the names of God.

Is God a God of love?

In Christian Theology God loves all people, as a father loves his children. This is not only in Christian Theology but God loves everyone.In some beliefs their God loves only those who serve him with blind fanaticism and he hates all the non believers that he calls heathens/pagans/infidels that he has condemned to eternity in hell.

Whether you think Jesus was God or not?

It is true. Jesus was, is and is to come, God. :) Jesus loves you!

Who is God's wife?

no --- Yaweh's wife is called Asherah

Why are most monks male?

God only loves humas with scrota.

Does the all-loving God love everyone?

Yes, God loves everyone. He might not like our behavior, and might allow us to experience the repercussions of our behavior, but He loves us. i agree GOd loves us even thou we make mistakes no one is perfect only GOD

Why is my god tougher than your god?

There is no competition in the first place, because there is only one god, which is Jesus..who loves everyone, including you!

When was God Loves You created?

God Loves You was created in 2000.

What is the difference between Baptists of today and Anabaptist?

The baptists believe that if you are saved, by baptism.Then you will be saved for ever. This is not true, you can always backslide from the word of god.

Who is the Baptists leader?

It is simple, Jesus Christ and the word of God(Bible).