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God does not send one to hell, it is in the rejection of forgiveness that damnation is granted. God's forgiveness is unconditional, but we must seek it's forgiveness as illustrated many times in The Bible. The multiple of afflictions of those who came to Jesus in the New Testament once they subjected themselves to Jesus because it showed the will to follow God. Lucifer is the opposite of what is required for forgiveness as mentioned by God because Lucifer attempts to depose God and then is not sorrowful for his error.

I will make the survey about it:

God is not bound by any rules or regulations, for He is God. If Lucifer and the fallen angels repent and ask His forgiveness, God will do His will, whether it is what we expect of Him or not. God created the angels first. They are spirit beings, able to feel pain (like hell-fire), and they have minds, wills, emotions. God may feel compassion for them and help them if they repent.


There's no salvation for fallen angels. Only for humans, descendants of Adam. Hell was created for Satan and his angels (demons) and now will also be the home of those who have rebelled against God and never honored Him as God. They will be judge by their works.


The problem is not can't, it is that God is just, and to forgive someone, that creature must repent - God is outside time, and so He know that Satan will not repent, and so will not be forgiven, because to be forgiven, he must accept he is evil, which he will not


If you will read carefully in the Scriptures, you will find that all the purpose of salvation is aimed?geared toward mankind. Satan and his demons are not part of mankind. They are cereated beings as are we, but, unlike us they have no hope of salvation. The Scriptures clearly teach thatGod has left the fallen angels to their final destiny in the Lake of Fire. We cannot question God's motives or His righteousness. He will do hatever He desires and doesn't need us to understand it or agree with His plans.


Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge..God in wisdom said nothing about the tree of life,until he had pronounced "the curse"..then He threw them out of Eden,to make sure they had no access to it...if Satan had got them to eat that first,there would have been no way for salvation through Jesus,but God planned this from the beginning..Satan cannot be "reborn",his station was Heaven,with the other Angels..mans station was the Earth,and that was part of mans salvation too!


Well, I been thinking about this. I havent found enything in the holy bible about it yet but I think that god would forgive the devil if he would repent. repentences is a long path that we all have to walk, it means turning away from sin and not looking back, repentance means to BetraY your SiN. Is it possible that the devil would repent? If he did the world wold become perfect. It says in Isaiah 33 " Woe! to you. O destroyer, who Have not been destroyed! Woe to you, O traitor, who have not been betrayed! when you stop destroying you will be destroyed; when you stop betraying you will be betrayed". maybe Satan or lucifer will be bound and gaged by his own guilt in the last days, and the evil he created will betray him, and after that evil is destroyed a thousand years of peace.

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You all might think why didn't God destroy Satan.Am

I right?Yes.I

am. The reason God did not destroy Satan is because he needs him to run the most despicable place ever.Hell.God

gave him a chance to obey and to live with him in bright and peac

eful heaven

.But Satan wanted to be God. He only cared about himself.He wanted power.Though in hell God does not kill him he makes him suffer for life.So don't believe in Satan.Believe in God.If you do he will make and help you do the impossible.

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