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"They" did not change the name of the new pope, When elected, the new pope has the choice of keeping his Christian name or choosing a regnal name that he wishes to be known as while serving. When Christ named Simon as the first pope he changed his name to Peter. After Peter, the next pope to choose a new name was Pope John II who was elected in the year 533. His given name was Mercurius and he did not think it proper for a Catholic pope to be named for a pagan Roman god - Mercury.

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9y ago

'They' do not rename the pope. The pope chooses if he wishes to be known by a new name but it is not a requirement. When Our Lord chose Peter as the first pope he change his name from Simon to Peter.

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9y ago

A pope does not have to change his name but most do. It is symbolic of Jesus changing the name of Simon to Peter at the time he named him as leader of his Church and the first pope.

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13y ago

Yes, his original name was Karol Woyjtila.

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