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The Zionists wanted to establish a Jewish national state in the Middle East because the Jews given their smaller population, could not pose a significant threat.

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Q: Why did the zionists want to establish a jewish national syate in the middle east?
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Related questions

Who wanted to create their own homeland in Middle East and make a Jewish state?

That would be the Jews and Jewish Nationalists (also called Zionists).

Which has been a major goal of both the Zionists and the Palestinian Arabs in the Middle East?

To each establish their own independent countries.

Which Middle Eastern country is jewish rather than muslim?

Israel technically, the nation of Israel use to be called Palestine, but the Zionists removed the Palestinians and renamed the Israel. The Palestinians are mostly Muslim but there are Christian and some Jewish Palestinians as well

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The Balfour Declaration was the first promise by the British Empire to give the Jewish people a national home in Palestine. It was the first major success of the Zionist Movement and led to increased pressure by Jews to immigrate to the territory and set the foundations of a new Jewish State-to-be. As the Zionists worked to create a Jewish state, the support of one of the world's largest powers, that was soon to take over Palestine, was crucial. This also changed the future trajectory of Israel/Palestine as a region, allowing the seeds of Israel's creation to be sown.

What was the problem around 1946 in the middle east with president Truman and Israel?

Israel didn't exist in 1946. The issue between the Zionists (who would eventually become Israelis) and Truman in 1946 was that they were unsure of where he stood on the creation of a Jewish State. It was also very difficult for Jewish Zionists to meet with Truman as his wife refused to allow Jews into the home, so they were left to guess his policies for a while. It looked for a while that Truman would not support the Jewish bid, until Chaim Weizmann was able to get a meeting with Truman outside of his house and they came to an understanding and agreement on Israel.

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John Myhill has written: 'Goldilocks' 'Language in Jewish Society' 'Language, Religion and National Identity in Europe and the Middle East'

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There is no country called 'middle east' , therefore no 'national ' flowerThere is no country called 'middle east' , therefore no 'national ' flower

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If you're Jewish you should get a Jewish education.

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