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Early on they didn't, in fact, early on most Christians were Jews. A first century Jew who followed Yehoshua (Jesus) as Messiah would not have stopped being a Jew anymore than Messiah himself stopped being a Jew. When he returns even, he returns as the "Lion of the tribe of Judah." (Jew is the modern short form of Jew) So a first century Jew would have seen himself as being a "good Jew" for recognizing the promised one and living for him.

As time went on however, both sides began to build some animosity toward one another. More non-Jews were beginning to following Yehoshua, and many were bringing with them their uncleanliness, even some practices which stood outside of accepted practices as compared to scripture. By the 3rd century, non-Jewish followers of Yehoshua ceased going into the synagogies to hear scripture being read and laws began to be passed which further diffrentiated them from Jews. For example, in about 210 CE at the council of El Vira, a law was passed prohibiting the eating of Jewish foods. (clean/kosher) Many years later this was enforced by having believers in messiah forced to eat pork or die. Another hundred yars passes, and other laws are passed that divided Christians and Jews. Some of those laws included not allowing a Christian woman to marry a Jew, and another law changed the sabbath from the 7th day to the 1st. A millennium later, Christians came on horseback and killed Jews "in the name of Jesus."

I have shown the dislike from mainly the Christian point of view but there was equal zeal by Jews to differentiate themselves from Christians.

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14y ago

Edward Gibbon (The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire) says that although Jews believed that it was unlawful for them to pay taxes to an idolatrous master, and in spite of their several uprisings, the attitude of the pagan emperors to their Jewish subjects was one of tolerance. He says, "Since the Jews, who rejected with abhorrence the deities of their sovereign and by their fellow-subjects, enjoyed the free exercise of their unsocial religion, there must have existed some other cause which exposed the disciples of Christ to those severiities from which the Jews were exempt."

Gibbon goes on to say, "Under the reign of Constantine, the Jews became the subjects of their revolted children [Christians], nor was it long before they experienced the bitterness of domestic tyranny. The civil immunities which had been granted or confirmed by Severus were gradually repealed by the Christian princes; and a rash tumult, excited by the Jews of Palestine, seemed to justify the lucrative modes of oppression which were invented by the bishops and eunuchs of the court of Constantius."

So Edward Gibbon says that anti-Semitism was uniquely Christian in character and was added to by the corruption of court and Church under the Christian emperors.

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12y ago

Some still do distrust them for burning us, hanging us and otherwise persecuting us for centuries. The christians stole our temple sights, our holidays, and then acted like we were the bad guys. It was all in an attempted to convert us to their religion, so from their point of view it was for a good reason, but still from our side it wasn't such a great thing to do.

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