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One user said:

Yes, the Romans were polytheistic. Yes, they believed in many gods. But their religious beliefs in no way provoked them to hate Jesus. The Romans did not hate him. Jesus was a nonentity to them. They didn't care about him one way or another. The Roman governor, Pilate, even tried repeatedly to release Jesus. Why would he do that if he hated him and was in a position to execute him?

Another user said:

There is no evidence that the Romans hated Jesus. Mark's Gospel says that Pontius Pilate tried to release Jesus on the pretext that he should release a prisoner during the Passover, but the people demanded that he crucify him, while Pilate asked, "Why? What evil has he done?" (15:6-14).

Perhaps you are thinking of a later period when the Christian followers of Jesus were hated because for one thing, they would not join in the pagan idolatry and refused to worship the emperor. Jesus himself, not being a political figure, nor seeking to set up any earthly kingdom in opposition to Rome was somewhat irrelevant to them at that time.

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12y ago
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11y ago

they hated both Jesus and the Jews but not all Romans hated them

they didn't like neither

The question is based on a false premise. The Roman government in Palestine was responsible for Jesus' execution. They would not have arrested him and executed him if they liked him. Rome was very corrupt in that regard. The Roman people did not like Jesus' message either until the Empire converted to Christianity in the 300s CE. Prior to that point, only 10% of Romans were Christians.

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12y ago

They didn't hate the Jews so much but during the Roman Republic/Empire they despised them, didn't let the practice their religion and sometimes even killed them. (For All I Know)

The hatred stemmed primarily from the fact that Jewish Zealots kept revolting against the Roman Empire.

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13y ago

Well for starters their leader did not favor those religions because the majority was atheist or believed in mythology. also the religions were new and people just hate jews.

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13y ago

At first they didn't. All they wanted was payment of taxes. Only after some of the people were accused of revolt, did the Romans begin to violently clamp down.

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8y ago

Because they rebelled against them

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1y ago

Some did, some didn’t.

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Q: Why did the Romans hate the Jews not Jesus?
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