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so they could perify their spirits and soul

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11y ago

Because they complained after the episode of the spies. See Numbers ch.13-14.

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12y ago

Because they had erred in accepting the pessimistic report of the Spies (see Numbers ch.13 and ch.14).

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Douglas Lo

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4y ago

Why not?

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Q: Why did the Hebrews travel the desert for 40 years?
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How many months were the Ancient Hebrews in the desert?

According to the Torah, it was 40 years, which works out to be 480 months (assuming it was exactly 40 years).

What happened during the 40 years that the hebrews lived in the desert?

They spent their jewb life searching for their faith.

How many years did the hebrews wander the desert after leaving egypt and what did they eat?

The Hebrew people wandered for 40 years in the wilderness . And they ate manna.

How long did it take for the Hebrews to wander through the desert?

The bible states that it took the Hebrew people a total of 40 years wandering in the wilderness.

How long did it take the Israelites to travel from Egypt to the red sea?

40 years of wandering in the desert.

Is Canaan the place where the Israelites went after escaping Egypt?

The Hebrews fled to the desert where they stayed for 40 years and eventually went into Canaan right after the death of Moses

How many years were moses and the israelites in the desert?

The bible says they were in the desert for 40 long years.

Who let the Hebrews into the promised land?

Moses led the Israelites through the desert for more than 40 years, but it was actually Joshua who led them into the Promise Land because Moses had disobeyed God and was forbidden to enter.

What did the Hebrews do for 40 years in the wilderness?

They learned Torah almost constantly.

How many years did the Israelites wader in the desert?

40 years

How many years were the jews in the desert?

40 yrs

How many years did it take the isrealites to get from Egypt to canaan?

They walked in the desert for 40 years so at least 40