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funny story i was the one that asked this question but didn't have the answer so i found it ANSWER: Conficius' teachings had a major impact on chinese goverment. They became the basic training for members of the civil service. The civil service is the group of people who carry out the work of government.Thats how I THINK they promomted him.

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'cause they felt like it

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Q: Why did the Han Dynasty promote the ideas of Confucius?
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How were the government of the Han dynasty and the Qin dynasty different?

The Han dynasty's government had less central control. The Han dynasty was less harsh to its people The Han dynasty followed the teachings of Confucius.

How were the government's of the Han dynasty and the Qin dynasty different?

The Han dynasty's government had less central control. The Han dynasty was less harsh to its people The Han dynasty followed the teachings of Confucius.

How was the government of the Han Dynasty different from that of the dynasty?

The Han dynasty included more Confucianist ideals and is considered more moderate. The Qin dynasty was more ruthless. the Han Dynasty had Confucianist ideals

What is the title of the book that Confucius's ideas are in?

The Mencius

Who was the teacher that the Han dynasty followed?

Confucius. They started when Liu Che reigned.

How did Confucianism influence the Han dynasty's government?

Confucius impacted the Han dynasty through his education beliefs. The methods of testing for power and the focus of Chinese education on memorization all came from Confucius. Han Wu Di, Liu Che, listened to him as he adopted the 'du zun ru xue' policy which meant that only Confucianism was learnt.

Which is an example of how Confucius's teachings were used in the Han dynasty?

The Han emperors chose smart, virtuous men to work in the government.

Whose teaching were the foundation for the Han Dynasty?

Really It's Laozi I thought it was Confucius

Did Han emperors based their rule on the teachings of Confucius?

Yes, the Han Dynasty agreed with Confucianism.

How did the Han Dynasty create a centralized government and complex bureaucracy in China?

The Han dynasty was organized differently.Their ideas were based on the teaching of a man named Confucius. He suggested a different, more peaceful way of living.