The Separatists left Europe for the Americas because they were extremely critical of the Church of England and the Catholic church. They first moved to a settlement in Holland, but felt after a time that control over their children was being lost so they decided to leave for a place further away and separated from everyone else. This led to the settlement of the Plymouth Colony.
Roman Catholics from all parts of the world were being persecuted by non-catholics (Protestants) from the 15th century onwards. The Catholics fled England during and after the reigns of Henry VIII and his equally intolerant daughter, Elizabeth I. I believe the best known example of this is the Catholics who fled on the Mayflower and settled in the northern continent of the Americas, settling in such places which still carry the names they gave them ie. Maryland and New England. Maryland was actually named for the honour of the Virgin Mary. The flowers which we know as marigolds were also named after her, oringinally being called "Mary's gold".
The Pilgrims were Separatists. They wanted to separate from the Church of England. They went to the Netherlands first but were upset when their children started speaking Dutch. They came to America to be far away from what they felt were the evils of the Church of England and wanted to have a place where they could govern themselves.
Native Americans were not from India. They are native to America, hence the name. The term Indians is a historical mistake due to Colombus thinking he was in India when he arrived in the Americas. The term has stuck, though everyone knows the Americas are not India.
Native AMericans had to leave their home land and move onto reservations and compleatly change their way of life.
A conspiracy theory says Robert Cecil was, to make the Catholics leave the country
the south Americans left their home country because their was war
A colony is a group of people who leave their native country to form in a new land a settlement subject to, or connected with, the parent nation.
Because Britain had bandages and to make use of them, they left. To start a better life.
Many would have fled religious persecution
If you are looking for the crossword puzzle answer, try 'emigre'.
the pilgrims leave the Anglican church which is the church of England because he wanted a divorce and the Roman Catholics did not believe in divorce.
If you go to The Embassy of your native country, they will be able to provide you with answers, and possibly even protect you and/or help you leave the country.