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Catholic AnswerSt. Pius X was one of the greatest popes of modern times. He took as his motto, "To restore all things in Christ. He promoted piety among the faithful, and advised all to receive Holy Commuion frequently, and, if possible, daily; dispensing the sick from the Communion fast - which at that time was complete from midnight the night before. In his Decree "Quam Singulari" he recommended that children's first Holy Communion not be deferred long after they reach the age of discretion - thus lowering the age to seven. He had been a huge supporter of sacred music before being elevated to the papacy, now he issued a Motu Proprio on sacred music in churches and ordered the authentic Gergorian Chant to be used everywhere. In the Encyclical "Acerbo nimis" he treated of the necessity of Catechismal instruction for all, including adults. He issued guidelines and called for close supervision of the formation of the clergy.


His most famous accomplishment (besides lowering the age of First Holy Communion) was his ongoing fight against Modernism and the dangers of the new theological methods, which, based on Agnosticism and Immanentism, divest the doctrine of the faith of its teachings of objective, absolute, and immutable truth issuing several documents to support this and requiring an Oath against Modernism to be taken by all clergy before ordaination. He greatly reformed the Curia, and increased the Catholic hierarch. He sought to suppress tendencies leaning towards Socialism and promoted a spirit of insubordination to ecclesiastical authority and carried on an immense amount of work in the international field. He also started a great deal of both restoration and building in the Vatican: - from the Catholic Encyclopedia article:

In few years Pius X has secured great, practical, and lasting results in the interest of Catholic doctrine and discipline, and that in the face of great difficulties of all kinds. Even non-Catholics recognize his apostolic spirit, his strength of character, the precision of his decisions, and his pursuit of a clear and explicit programme.
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Pius X was canonized on May 29, 1954, by Pope Pius XII.

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