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The Christian emperor Theodosius banned the public worship of the pagan gods in 391 CE and even made the possession of statues of the gods a criminal offence. Paganism had already been under persecution since the time of Emperor Constantine, but Theodosius persecuted pagan beliefs with a fury never seen before. It became a capital offence to even look at a pagan statue that had been smashed by the Christian mobs. Under this onslaught, it is natural that most people felt it safer to stop following the ancient gods. Hwever, belief in the Greek gods continued in private for some centuries, particularly in the more distant provinces.

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14y ago

Because Jesus told us about God. He lived year 1 - 33. The Greek religion lasted from about 1000 years BEFORE Christ.

The Greeks felt that divine influences were present in all things in life.

These influences were personified as gods and other divine beings

such as nymphs and satyrs. Each of these beings had their own dominion,

from a simple pool to the power of love.

The ancient Greeks never believed in a single all-powerful being.

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13y ago

The Greeks didn't believe in god in ancient times because Moses came with the Torah (Jewish holy book) long after the Greeks had there mythological ideal with the Olympians and the Titans, but later on in history many Greeks did convert to many types of Christianity, Islam, and Judism.

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