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The idea of Gods and Godesses arose because people simply didn't understand most of what was going on around them. They asked questions like: Why does it rain? Why do I fall in love? What makes plants grow? To answer those questions they decided that there must be Gods and Godesses that control all of these things, like a Sky God, an Earth Godess and so on. They basically needed answers. It also helps to believe there is a god watching over you when you are, for example, out hunting. It gives you a sense of confidence that you might not have had otherwhise. A sense of confidence that a creature that thinks as much as a human needs.

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Q: Why did people need to believe in things like gods or goddesses?
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What do the Egyptians believe?

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Why were there gods and goddesses?

to explain natural events to the people of egypt, Greece, Rome, and other places that have mythology. Some people believe that the stories are true, some don't. It's your choice to believe it or not. :)