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Q: Why did king vladimir reject Islam?
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Who rejected the idea that Jesus was the son of god?

Both Judaism and Islam reject this concept.

Why is Islam not rejected by the western culture?

Islam provide freedom not impose any pressure on the Muslims. So Islam not reject the western culture but it is the against of Islam.

By 1964 who did Malcolm X reject?

Elijah Muhammad, head of the Nation of Islam.

Was king soloman a follow of Islam?

King Solomon was not a follower of Islam. The king known for his wisdom was the son of King David, and leader of Israel. Despite not being a Muslim, King Solomon is regarded by Islam as an elect by God and a wise king.

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Vladimir (the Great) was the Grand Prince of Kiev.

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Some Songhai rulers did not reject Islam. Some rulers, like Sonni Ali, initially resisted the spread of Islam in their territories but eventually converted to Islam themselves. Other rulers, like Askia Muhammad, actively promoted Islam and made it the official religion of the Songhai Empire.

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because they didnt let him have a divorce

How do people view the founder of Islam?

The Prophet Muhammad was the founder of Islam, although most Muslims reject this as a literal statement, saying that Islam existed since the beginning of the world. He is viewed with the respect due to a religious leader by Muslims, and most Christians and Bahais.

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King George rejected it because he felt that he was the king and everyone should obey him, not tell him what to do.

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they were killed and punished in bad ways