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Because the Pilgrim fathers were fleeing religous persecution in Europe.

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Q: Why did immigrants bring a Bible?
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What things did immigrants bring to the US?

Immigrants bring new food that Americans can try.

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Yes some do bring diseases but not all..

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No because immigrants can bring many different beliefs and knowledge that you might not know and these immigrants can teach. Therefore, it is a good thing to allow immigrants into a country.

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Yes, they did.

What 2 things did immigrants bring to this country?

Foods and Languages

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Why did the US want to bring immigrants into the country?

Because They Felt Like It

How do immigrants bring diseases?

By bringing something from somewhere el se

What items did immigrants bring to America from their country?

It was essential to bring those things that allow them to survive and to prosper in the New World. Weapons for defense, tools to clear the land, turn the soil and to build shelter took a priority. Seed grains, shoes, vegetable and fruit plantings, a bolt of cloth, a smidgen of available spices, nails, medicinal potions, a few domestic chickens, needles and thread, a priceless thimble, an awl, extra buckles and powder, extra ball and shot. And a Bible. I don't think most of them could afford to bring that much to America. They could only bring a small trunk or things tied in a blanket. A Bible or cross was usually common, as was a cerished family heirloom. If lucky, they could bring a pillow and extra clothes