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We can't know for certain if she did or if she didn't from the text given. We aren't told if God repeated the command to her and added the "touch not" clause. Since she was still innocent and had not yet fallen nor was deceived, I do not believe she lied. I tend to believe she was accurately quoting what God had said to her or to Adam or to both.

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Q: Why did eve add to God's word?
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The word 'eve' has 1 syllable in it.

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Adam and Eve belonged to early Hebrew mythology, while the Olympian gods belonged to Greek mythology. You could probably believe that either Adam and Eve were real people, or that the Olympian gods were real, but not both. For that reason, it is not meaningful to say that one came before the other.

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You must realize that as god was angry and punished Adam and eve, But you see they bought sin to the world.

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Word Processor of the Gods was created in 1983-01.

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The first mortal woman was Eve -she did not possess immortality. Only God possesses immortality (see 1Timothy 6:16 in the Bible). However I am not sure of what you mean by 'to whom the gods'. The answer to your question is most likely Eve because it was to her that the gods gave the promise of immortality, a promise they could not possibly deliver.

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It means "celebrate the eve" (for ex : new year's eve, or Christmas eve)

Why did god call Adam and Eve Adam and Eve why not call them some other names?

Adam resembled the Hebrew word for dust or earth (adamah) that he was made out of and Adam named Eve Eve because Eve resembles the word for living, and she was the mother of all living. For the record, God did not name her Eve, Adam did.