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Once a year the Arabs came to Mecca for Pilgrimage. All the Idols they worshiped were displayed and it was like a carnival. A lot of money exchanged hands and it was a good time to display and sell goods. People travelled from everywhere to sell and buy goods. Lots of money was also given as offerings to the Pagan Gods, and as it was very lucrative this practice continued.

Once Islam came to be accepted, all the idols were destroyed, and the yearly Pilgrimage which is done by the Muslims, who come from all over the world is called the Haj Pilgrimage.

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Q: Why did caravans go to Mecca during certain months?
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What is Mohammad known for?

he started the Islamic religion, he supposedly saw heaven and was called from God to be his messenger, he started and renamed the city of Mecca and led many caravans across deserts o btw his name is spelled mUhammad!! ;] hope i helped!!