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Great question! Buddhism began with an Indian prince named Siddhartha Gautama. His father wanted to shield him from all suffering, and so Siddhartha was locked up in his castle. One day, Siddhartha wanted to see his kingdom, so he took a walk and saw poverty, sickness, death,etc. and he wanted to end it. So, he went on a meditation retreat, where he discovered all of the main concepts of Buddhism and became enlightened and became Buddha.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Buddhism was founded because Lord Buddha sought the cause (and cure) of human suffering. he had observed suffering during his early excursions from the palace and was uniquely aware that it was not the "way things always have been"

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10y ago

buddhism emerged as a way for siddharta guatama to attempt to fill the void he saw inherent in Hinduism of not offering a way out of the endless karmic cycle of rebirth. he also did not find the answer but suggested it might be possible to get to nirvana through good works. he was a prince that saw poverty in Nepal and decided to give up his worldly possessions and dedicate the rest of his life to a search for spiritual truth. the origin name of buddhism comes from the bodhi tree under which he is believed to have sat and attained enlightenment

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14y ago

Buddhism was created as an alternative to the dominant Hinduism at the time. It's main creation belief was to help solve the world's problems by living frugally.

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13y ago

Buddhism started because there was suffering everywhere at that time. there still is suffering around the world. homeless people suffer. so do rich people.

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13y ago

it started because a prince named siddhartha gautama went in search of enlightenment leaving his wife and new born son behind.

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15y ago

because it wanted to be developed

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Q: Why did buddhisim start?
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Where did buddhisim originate?

It originated in India

When was buddhisim started?

460 b.C.

What does buddhisim believe in?

there is no god in buddhisim, siddhartha gautama was a person also known as buddah this came strait from the text book at school.

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there is no god so they athestic- means no god.

Where buddhisim originate?

India, about 6th century before the birth of Christ

Where did Buddhisim start?

Buddism Started in A place which we call now nepal. Nepal was once part of india, so if you ask anyone this question some people will say India. Buddism was found by Siddartha Gautama. He was raised as an hindu.

What is the most important belief in buddhisim?

The most important belief is that the end of suffering is attainable by following the Eightfold Path.

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Where was buddhisim started?

The Buddha was born in what is now Nepal, and after wandering in the Upper India subcontinent he delivered his first sermon at what is now Sarnath near Varanasi in northern India.

What are the names of the countries in which buddhisim is spread?

Buddhism is practiced in countries such as Thailand, Japan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Myanmar, and others. It has a significant presence in countries across Asia and also has followers in many parts of the world.

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